Title: Michael Landis - Historian - Experienced Professional
1Michael Landis - Historian
History Professor Published Author Educator
2(No Transcript)
3Michael Landis (Historian) holds a PhD and is an
innovative and intellectual individual. His
bachelor's degree in history from Boston
University increased his interest, and he earned
his PhD in history from George Washington
4Michael Landis (Historian) travelled and
relocated numerous times throughout the United
States to pursue success in his business and was
able to have some incredible and fulfilling
experiences tot of this move.
5Michael Landis's speciality is the connection
between slavery and politics, notably in the
nineteenth century, and he is also interested in
public history.
6Michael Landis has also given history lectures at
various local universities, attended numerous
conferences, and been invited to speak at
multiple events.
7Michael Landis (Historian) has also written books
and peer-reviewed several papers, essays, and
book chapters. He is a self-made individual who
is passionate about advocating for human rights,
animal rights, and mental health issues.
For more information about him visit his official
site http//www.michaellandis.net/