Title: Difference Between Digital Signature & Electronic Signature
1Difference Between Digital Signature Electronic
Digital Signature and Electronic Signature (or
eSign) are inherently a part of electronic mode
of signing but function differently. They are
absolutely different from one another, in their
working, benefits, functioning etc.
2Type of Signature
A d igital signature certificate (DSC) contains
information about the users name, pin code,
country, email address, date of issuance of
certificate and name of the certifying authority.
And this fingerprint is embedded in the
document that is digitally signed. When you use
eSign to electronically sign a document you
could do that using a pin, otp, password,
handwritten name, or any other mode in which you
express consent.
3Legally Binding
Digital signature has been legally validated by
the court of law under the IT Act, 2000. E-Sign
is legally valid under Section 5 of Indian
Information Technology Act, 2000. But, eSign is
legally valid when all the parties involved give
consent for this mode of signing. Digital
signatures are ethereally legally binding. eSign
is mostly a digital form of wet ink signatures
but digital signatures are more complex than that
with their encryption decryption aspect.
Main goal of eSigning is to verify a document -
meaning - that the document is legit and you have
verified it. Whereas a digital signature along
with verifying the documents secures it
too. Ease eSigning is very easy in its operation,
digital signing is also very easy but
comparatively eSigning is much easier because
theres no or minimal verification process
whereas proper verification is required to
enable digital signing. There is no digital
signature certificate or tokens involved which
also makes it hassle free and convenient.
5Digital Signature Certificate
- You need to obtain a digital signature
certificate to enable digital signing in your
systems. It's due to this - DSC that digital signing offers all the benefits
that it does. For using eSign, you do not need a
DSC. - Protection Qualities
- It is impossible to penetrate a document that has
- been signed using a digital signature, a hacker
even if they have a hold over their document will
not be able to tamper it. e Sign although is
secure but does not offer this level of security
to the affixed documents.
The CCA of India licenses Certifying Authorities
enabling them to authorize DSCs to various
entities. So, you can avail a DSC only through a
certifying authority (CA) in India. Whereas you
can get an eSign through any eSign provider. As
Capricorn CA is the most favored guaranteeing
expert in India to give DSC however aside from
this Capricorn CA likewise offers bulk pdf
signer and other signing-related arrangements
like a d igital signature for income tax thus a
lot of different arrangements are accessible for
people and associations.
7Audit Trail
- With Digital Signing - All the information about
the signing, revisiting, opening the document -
everything - the whole audit trail can be
accessed by a company. In this way, the
management has the whole knowledge of the
engagement of different employees with the
particular affixed document.
8We hope this article explains to you the exact
difference between digital signing and
electronic signing properly and prompts you to
actually move with the world which is digitizing
everyday, no matter how small or big you know
your firm to be - any form of electronic
signatures are a must for your company.