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Migraine Headache is a pain that occur within the
brain which is a result of specific physiologic
changes. Some of its symptoms are eye pain,
sensitivity to light and sound, nausea or
vomiting. Homeopathy has the best treatment for
headache Migraine and Doctor Bhargava
formulations are a result of techniques perfected
over 100 years of practice.
2- Homeopathic Treatment for Headache Migraine
- Migraine is a neurological condition where people
feel severe headaches accompanied by intense and
continuous pain, mostly on one side of the head.
With migraine, a person also feels nausea,
numbness, vomiting, sensitivity to sound or
light, etc. Migraine headache is sometimes
triggered by hormonal changes in the body and
certain food or drinks. A family history of
migraine could be a reason. Migraine affects
people differently, and it is more prevalent in
women than men. Migraine affects ones work or
studies badly as it is sometimes impossible to
focus and handle the headache. Migraine affects
the quality of life affect negatively as severe
migraine headache makes you feel numb, dizzy, and
nauseous. Homeo medicine for migraine is
effective in treating several medical conditions
related to migraine headaches. - Headache Migraine Causes and Symptoms
- Migraine Headache, though it is difficult to
identify the exact cause of headache, it is
mostly related to genetic and environmental
factors. Conditions like depression, bipolar
disorder, or anxiety are the trigger of migraine
headaches. Common causes are listed below - Anxiety and Depression
- Stress
- Hunger
- Fatigue
- Perimenopause
- Pregnancy
- Contraceptive pills
- Also, some factors that put you at more risk of
getting into migraines are
3Gender Women are thrice more susceptible to
having migraines than in comparison to
men. Age People at a young age getting to their
30s has more chances of getting a migraine
headache. Family history / Genetics A
statistical survey with its data over the past
years has concluded that a person with a family
history of migraine has more chances of getting
migraine in his or her life period so, genetics
play an important role in the occurrence
of migraine headache. Hormonal changes Whenever
there is a change in hormones in the body
especially in women during their pregnancy,
period, or when they are going through menopause,
the chances of developing migraine is higher. A
migraine headache can be categorized in different
phases, and some are described below with their
common symptoms PRODRUME PHASE The first phase
usually lasts for a few hours to 2 days. Common
symptoms are mood swings, irritability or
depression, stiffness in the neck or muscles,
sensitivity to smells and light, problem
focusing, difficulty in reading and speaking,
difficulty sleeping or Yawning, nausea, fatigue,
and increased urination. AURA PHASEÂ The second
phase usually lasts for a few minutes. Common
symptoms are numbness and tingling, visual
disturbances with blurry spots or lines,
temporary loss of sight, blurred vision, zigzag
lines in vision, weakness on one side of the
body, changes in speech, and needle-like
sensation in the head and nose region.
4- How to Prevent Headache Migraine
- There is migraine treatment in homeopathy which
can prevent Migraine Headaches and other possible
ways. Below given are some of the tactics you can
try how you can prevent migraine headaches by
following preventive measures - Having a good sound sleep of a minimum of 8 to 9
hours is a must. - Maintain a record of foods and other things that
trigger migraine to you, it could be different
for others, and avoid having that food in your
diet. - Drink enough water, eat regularly, and do not
skip meals. - Regular exercise and maintain proper body mass
index. - Stress control techniques such as meditation,
yoga, and relaxation training. - Breathing exercises help control stress and
anxiety. - Hormone therapy from a healthcare provider if
migraine relates to the menstrual cycle. - Headache Migraine Homeopathy Treatment
- Headache and migraine are common diseases that
are gripping almost everyone because of various
reasons. Nevertheless, this can be treated with
the best homeopathy medicine for migraine
by Doctor Bhargava Migraine Homeopathic drops
and Migin Tablets. These homeopathy medicines for
migraine help treat migraine headaches as they
are safe to consume without any side effects.
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