Title: Common Health Issues Treated by Hypnosis
1Common Health Issues Treated by Hypnosis
2Hypnosis is often portrayed in TV shows and
movies as a tactic to control people and their
mind for committing crimes or making someone fall
in love and likewise. The way hypnosis is being
shown in the media makes them look like a fun
activity! However, hypnosis does much more than
mere entertainment. Hypnosis, in fact, can
benefit your health and well-being if used in a
proper manner. In the healthcare industry,
hypnosis is used as a psychological treatment
that helps people in experiencing changes in
perceptions, thoughts, sensations and behaviours.
However, hypnosis for medical issues should be
done in a clinical setting under the supervision
of a trained, licensed healthcare professional
such as a psychologist or a physician.
3Hypnosis for medical issues typically involves
suggestions for relaxation and overall well-being
that may last during the session but can be
reactivated later by the patient. Common
approaches involve instructions that make a
person think about the good times, positive
experiences, or verbal cues for drawing them into
a trance-like state.
Three Common Ways to Use Hypnosis for Medical
Insomnia and Troubled Sleeping
Hypnosis can be used for helping people with
insomnia, sleepwalk issues or those struggling
with falling and staying asleep. The technique
helps in relaxing you enough in order to get you
to sleep easily. In the process, verbal cues are
used for putting you in a trance-like state,
which is similar to how it feels when you get
involved in a movie and you do not notice whats
going on around you! After the hypnosis process,
you will fall asleep without any hassles.
4Anxiety and Phobia
Hypnosis is a relaxation technique that can ease
anxiety. The process is more effective in people
whose anxiety stems from a chronic health
condition like heart disease. Hypnosis also can
help you if you are struggling with any sort of
phobia! Phobia is a type of anxiety disorder
where you get intensely scared of something that
does not even pose a significant threat! Hypnosis
encourages your body for activating its natural
relaxation response through the use of a phrase
which helps in slowing down breathing, lowering
blood pressure, and instilling an overall sense
of well-being.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Symptoms
Hypnosis is also effective in treating the
symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). IBS
is a condition that involves abdominal pain
created by your bowels. Hypnosis helps in
improving the symptoms such as constipation,
bloating and diarrhea. At times IBS can also
cause issues like nausea, backache, fatigue and
urinary problems, which can also be treated with
the help of hypnosis. Hypnosis takes you through
progressive relaxation by providing soothing
images and sensations to fight back the
symptoms. Apart from these health issues, there
are many other health issues that can be treated
with the help of hypnosis that include chronic
pain, quitting smoking, weight loss and many more.
Christian Raphael is a Certified Medical Support
Clinical Hypnotherapist bringing 25 years of
corporate success experience to his Hypnotherapy
practice. If you are seeking hypnosis for medical
issues, then contact Christian Raphael
Hypnotherapy by visiting https//christianraphaelh