Title: Super Keto Egg Salad in 4 Quick Steps
1Super Keto Egg Salad in 4 Quick Steps
To prepare a healthy and tasty egg salad that
will aid your weight loss, you can ditch half the
yolks, use low-fat dressings, and get creative
add veggies. Eggs are best for weight loss
because they are low in calories and are very
filling. Egg salad (0.5 cup) contains 2.1g total
carbs, 1.7g net carbs, 24.5g fat, 8.5g protein,
and 266 calories. The Keto Egg Salad You'll
Love Are you looking for a keto salad with a bit
of flair? Are you looking for something other
than usual Keto Egg Salad? If yes, our recipe
today will undoubtedly help you out. It does not
consist solely of eggs but also a variety of
other ingredients, like avocado, cherry tomatoes,
bacon and can be supercharged with a few
variations which we also cover here. The recipe
is a new take on the Cobb egg salad. Packed with
flavor, boosted by a dressing of red wine vinegar
and yogurt. Salad doesnt have to be boring, and
neither does living the Keto lifestyle.
2The advantage of this cobb salad recipe is that
it takes very little time to prepare and its
full of good fats and nutrients bacon
containing vitamins B1 through B6 and also B12
while Eggs are high in fatty acids and vitamins
D and E. The unique thing about this salad is
that you do not have to worry about calories or
breaking the Keto diet rules. It is one of the
prime reasons why this Cobb egg salad has become
so popular for Keto-ers. So, when youre at a
loss for ideas and you want something quick, whip
up a quick Cobb Keto Egg salad! If youd like
another great salad idea, dont forget to check
out our bean sprout recipe here!