Title: AI Models Training Datasets- bounding.ai
- AI
- Model Training Dataset
2Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the
simulation of human intelligence in machines
that are programmed to think like humans and
mimic their actions. The term may also be
applied to any machine that exhibits traits
associated with a human mind such as learning
and problem-solving.
3Training Datasets
- Training data is an extremely large dataset that
is used to teach a machine learning model. - Training data is used to teach prediction models
that use machine learning algorithms how to
extract features that are relevant to specific
business goals. For supervised ML models, the
training data is labeled. - The idea of using training data in machine
learning programs is a simple concept, but it is
also very foundational to the way that these
technologies work.
4Some Examples of Training
Fish on
Plant Doc Dataset
Oxford Pets
5Plant Doc Dataset
This dataset is a gold mine for those who are
interested in machine learning. It includes
2,569 images from 13 different plant species and
30 classes (diseased or healthy). The PlantDoc
object detection tool can be found on GitHub
where it was originally published by researchers
at the Indian Institute of Technology.
6Oxford Pets Dataset
- The Oxford Pets dataset is a collection of images
and annotations labeling various breeds of dogs
and cats. There are approximately 100 examples
of each of the 37 breeds. This dataset contains
the object detection portion of the original
dataset with bounding boxes around the animals'
heads. - The dataset is helpful for creating computer
vision models that can accurately identify
different types of animals.
7Fish on Trays Dataset
This image training dataset contains a collection
of fish on trays. This dataset can be used to
train an object detection or fish computer vision
AI model. The dataset also has semantic
segmentation annotations, which can be used for
specialized AI machine learning algorithms this
training data may be helpful for fish
classification, segmentation, or detection tasks.
8contact us
Cortex Innovation Center 4220 Duncan Ave, Suite
201 St. Louis MO 63110 1(123)123-1234 https//bo