Title: Get Industrial Air Cooled Chiller - Weeseng Hvac Technology
1 Weeseng HVAC Technology Pte Ltd
2About Us
- Weeseng HVAC Technology is currently a leading
manufacturer of industrial Water Chiller, Cooling
Equipment, Heat Exchanger Process, Air
Dehumidifier, Oil Cooler and Low Temperature
Brine Chiller Application Products. We have
attained ISO 9001-2015 Quality certificate in the
year 2016. For more information about about our
product, kindly send your enquiries.
3Get Industrial Air Cooled Chiller - Weeseng Hvac
Weeseng offer an extensive range of packaged air
cooled chillers from world-leading cooling
manufacturer Euro chiller. A water cooled
chiller's cooling tower and pump take up more
space than the fans in an air cooled chiller. We
provide quality products for our customer we
designed our products for industries and
businesses that depend on reliable cooling for
their critical operations and facilities. For
shopping you can visit us on our website.
4Industrial Air Cooled Chiller
A manufacturer company who make all type of
industrial chiller like water cooled chiller, Air
cooled chiller, and also make marine/sea water
chiller. Our industrial chiller is created to
allow the user to build a custom tailor chiller.
The chiller is compact and required the minimum
of floor space for installation.
5Contact Us
- Weeseng HVAC Technology Pte Ltd
- 57, Senang Crescent, Singapore 416624
- 65 6858 5545
- Email sales_at_weeseng.com
- https//weeseng.com/