Title: Calgary Tax Lawyers (1)
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TLhe Laawyewrs withylessestresrs, msore flexibilit
y, and lots of other benefits.
2Theres a constant demand for tax law expertis
e, and your services will definitely be relevant
all year round. (You may even be busier than yo
ur law school peers in litigation or other transac
tional work!) While tax law isnt completely immu
ne to the ebb and flow of the economy, it tends t
o remain more stable, even in the face of economi
c downturns. Plus, with tax reform a perennially
hot political topic, the field is likely to experi
ence even higher demand. Tax law can be more stab
le in the emotional sense too. The work
is less emotionally fraught than, say, family
law. So if youre looking to avoid the dramatic
side of the legal field, studying tax law might
be the right choice for you.
3For an ongoing business, it is difficult to
underestimate the need for a CPA. A certified
accountant will assist you in handling basic tax
questions and business advice. If you have any
problems related to your tax, the tax attorney
will provide you with the best advice, and also
assist you in getting all your tax benefits.
After all, this is his main line of
work. However, when it comes to sensitive issues
that involve the IRS and complex tax laws, an
attorney is an absolute necessity.
Listening Skills Workshop
4Estate planning can be complicated. Whether you
want to put money in a series of trusts for your
children or grandchildren, want to ensure that
your estate will be parceled out the way that
you want it to, or are worried about your
children and grandchildren being hit with
expensive estate taxes, a tax attorney can help.
They can handle all of the paperwork for you,
getting your estate into order. They can set up
trusts and help you choose the best trustees to
oversee the funds. Even if you want to set up a
nonprofit with some of your estate and have a
board take care of disbursing the funds, a tax
attorney can assist.
5Youll have lots of opportunities to grow
The tax code is challenging, and there are
always new regulations to stay on top of. So if
you love being an expert, you enjoy
problem-solving and puzzles, youre naturally
curious, and youre a bit of policy wonk, you
may love tax law. You might also bolster your JD
in tax lawith continuing education, earning an
LLM in Taxation. Even in this high- demand legal
specialty, that credential can turbocharge your
job prospects.
6Is tax law right for you?
Plenty of students get hooked on tax law after
they come to law school. You dont need
to have an accounting degreeyou
dont even need to be a numbers
whiz. But if you have a background in business or
accounting and youre considering law school,
tax law is a great way to marry
your interests and skills
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Tax Consultants