Title: Myron Pope - Experienced Professional From Tuscaloosa, AL
1Myron Pope
Former Vice President of Student Life at The
University of Alabama Principal Consultant at
M. L. Pope Associates
2(No Transcript)
3Myron Pope is serving as Vice President of
Student Life at the University of Alabama. He has
offered strategic leadership for the Student Life
departments, assisting the institution in
accomplishing its aims and objectives.
4Myron Pope has also established short- and
long-range organizational goals and strategic
plans emphasizing Diversity, Equity, and
Inclusion (DEI).
5As a Chief of Strategic Engagement at the
Oklahoma Department of Human Services, Myron Pope
spearheaded numerous units encompassing community
faith, information referral,
intergovernmental relations, communications
services, social media services, web services,
and video services.
6Myron Pope successfully engages with executive
leadership, stakeholders, and communities to
elicit core requirements and adjust accordingly
policies and procedures. Myron Pope is proficient
in embracing change and driving transformation to
foster best practices.
7During his time at the University of Central
Oklahoma, he has directed 410 employees,
including 225 full-time division exempt and
non-exempt employees, 125 division student
employees, and over 60 adjunct faculty and
handled a budget of over 47.4M.
8Myron Pope has introduced various data-driven
student success initiatives that increased the
retention rate of students from disadvantaged
backgrounds. He also collaborates with the Native
American Faculty and Staff Association to
implement the Native American Student Success
Find out more about him at his official site