Title: The Uncruise Adventure Story | Uncruise-Adventures
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2Alaska was the birthplace of UnCruise Adventures
and it continues to be wide open for exploration.
Almost 25 years later, innovation continues to be
at the core of our motto. Were serious about
your fun and driven by a commitment to leaving
the charted course and really experiencing what
the world has to offer. UnCruise Adventures
operates from its offices at the historic
Fishermen's Terminal in Seattle, Washington and
in Juneau, Alaska.
3We As UnCruise Citizens Have Rights
- To an experience free from discrimination and
unpleasant behavior, whether racist, sexist,
ageist, or otherwise - To celebrate who we are
- To articulate concerns without fear of judgment
- To resolve disputes and misunderstandings in a
safe space - To experience nature in its wild and pure form
4The UnCruise Citizen Also Has Responsibilities
- To hold ourselves accountable for our words and
actions - To speak up when we see our shipmates mistreated
- To own mistakes and get a little better every day
- To respect the environment and follow leave no
trace practices - To respect wildlife and their habitat
When you contact UnCruise, you can be confident
that your personal information stays
private. Call 888-862-8881 Monday to Friday
730 am 500 pm PT Saturday 730 am - 300 pm
PT Sunday CLOSED Mail sales_at_uncruise.com
Website https//uncruise.com/ Location 3826
18th Avenue West, Seattle, WA 98119