Title: Myths and facts about robotic knee replacement
Head of Department Apollo Institute of
Orthopaedics, Apollo Hospitals, Indore M.S
Orthopedics, Specialization Joint Replacement
2 Myths and facts about robotic knee replacement
The robotic knee replacement surgery has turned
out to be the best option to undergo any joint
replacement, along with the procedure there are
many myths and facts that's surrounds In mind of
the patient, most common Myths are-
Myth1- The success rate of robotic knee
replacement is very low.
Fact- The robotic knee replacement surgery has
proven to effectively transform lives of many
patient by restoring their health, the success
rate of robotic joint replacement is even more
than 99 in most of the cases, The success rate
of any procedure depends on several points that
is condition of the patient and routine of the
patient. Robotic knee replacement surgery
effectively helps the patient to perform all the
daily activities without any pain.
Myth2- Robotic need replacement is a painful
Fact- It is a non-invasive procedure that not
contain any cuts any blood loss that is it is a
painless procedure in which only two or thdoes
ree minor cuts are given on the joint to insert
the robots arm surgery, hence it is a
non-invasive procedure or surgery the pain even
after the surgery is not prominent.
3Myth3- It takes months to recover after robotic
knee replacement surgery.
Fact- The recovery period in every patient varies
depending on the condition of their health and
the post operative care, There are many patients
who tend to recover within few weeks and also
continue their normal lifestyle.
Myth4- Only adults can go through robotic knee
replacement surgery.
Fact- There is no age restriction while we talk
about robotic knee replacement surgery, it is a
easy procedure which can be easily pursued by
individual of any age.
4Myth5- Driving won't be possible after kneee
Fact- After the robotic knee replacement surgery
the driving would be more easily and comfortable
as the old detoriorated knee joint has already
been replaced, most of the people start driving
with him 10 to 12 weeks after this surgery very
Myth6- Physiotherapist is necessary after this
surgery and the recovery process is very slow.
Fact- After the robotic knee replacement surgery
there are cases you might not need physiotherapy
as the surgeon itself will teach all of the
required exercises in the hospital, which could
be easily continual after the discharged most of
the people walk without any support after fight
to six weeks of the surgery, robotic knee
replacement surgery is a very good option to
treat the defects related to the knee with easy
and the fastest recovery time.
Myth7- The robotic knee replacement surgery
implant does not last more than 10 years.
Fact- This is a complete myth, The robotic knee
replacement surgery last for lifetime, The
outcome of the surgery depends on the quality of
life the way you treat yourself and on the
recovery phase, this last for lifetime because of
the improved quality of the surgery and the
advanced techniques that are used during the
5Myth8- I won't be able to bend the knee or to sit
on the floor.
Fact- This is a complete misconception that it
will be difficult to bend the knee after the
replacement this is not true The fact that the
knee can be easily bended depends mainly on the
quality of surgery and the prosthesis used. The
post operative rehabilitation and care play are
major role in the outcome of any type of surgery.
There are many myths and facts that surrounds
after the robotic knee replacement surgery, the
fact can't be denied that it is the most advanced
and the most effective knee replacement surgery
that is available in the current time, how long
with the faster recovery period it also offers
very less hospital stays and the fastest recovery
Dr. Sunil Rajan is one of the best Joint
Replacement Surgeons in Indore and provides knee,
hip and shoulder joint replacement surgery in his
clinic. If you are planning robotic joint
replacement surgery with best Orthopaedic surgeon
in Indore, come to Dr. Rajan's knee clinic.
For Appointment Enquiry Call us now 91
9826200015 Online Visit for more information -
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Post - What are the measures that we have to
care after Robotic Knee Replacement?