VideoNFTizer Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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VideoNFTizer Review


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Title: VideoNFTizer Review

https// W
hat is it VideoNFTizer is the first to market
groundbreaking app with proprietary VNF
technology, which allows you to finally turn any
video shot on a phone or created by any app into
Video NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. You would
be surprised how many sold out collections having
their own Ethereum NFT contract brought creators
over 1 million just from direct sales from the
contract, and then collected a ton of royalties
payments, sometimes more than original mint from
secondary sales on OpenSea. New successful
collections are launching almost every week and
they all have one thing in common, their own
Ethereum NFT contract for original sales of the
collection. Average Sales Volume FOR EVERY Of the
Top 100 NFTs Collection Is 136 Millions. Average
Sales Volume FOR EVERY Of Top 2,000 NFTs
Collection Is About 11.5 Millions! The average
all-time sales volume for each of the top 2,000
collections was about 11.5 million of dollars,
resulting in over 575 thousands of dollars on
average from royalties per collection. Naturally
sales volume on top of the list is higher than on
the bottom, but the average gives you a good
ballpark to the size of the opportunity. To Have
A Shot at NFT Collection Success You Must Have
Your Own Ethereum Contract. The bottom line is
that you need to have your videos minted using
your own Ethereum contract first, before OpenSea
can come into play with secondary sales and
royalties payments to you. VideoNFTizer Review It
doesn't even matter if you want to sell a
collection made of videos from your phone, or
videos created with a video app. You just have to
have your own Ethereum contract to move forward.
When You Just Upload Videos To OpenSea You Use
Their Contract, Not Your Own. The problem is that
coding and deploying your own Ethereum contract
is extremely complicated for everyone except
developers. This is why originally OpenSea was a
huge breakthrough. They simply allowed people to
mint with their own contract instead of users
having to have their own. Yes, it also means that
you do not own a contract for your own NFTs while
using OpenSea, which is not great.
Hiring a Developer To Code Your Ethereum Contract 
Costs Arm  Leg. The Problem is that, both Ethereu
m contracts use their own special programming lang
uages, which are different from each other, and th
ere is only a limited number of developers that kn
ow how to write these contracts. This is why it co
sts an arm and leg to hire such a developer, and e
ven finding one is not easy. The difficulty to hir
e a developer who is experienced in those programm
ing languages and the very high cost of their labo
r are the major factors why most people just uploa
d their collections to OpenSea and hope for the be
st. They Thought That There Had To Be
A Better Way  The VideoNFTizer Idea Was Born. It
s VideoNFTizer. Heres How Easy Artwork
Collection Generation Is With VideoNFTizer
Review Step 1 Enter name and the description of
your collection. Step 2 Enter the max number of
VideoNFTs in the collection, and click a few
buttons to deploy the NFT contract on Ethereum
blockchains. Step 3 Copy/paste the code to your
website and start selling. VideoNFTizers VNF
technology is light years ahead of its
competition, and all updates are included, so you
can always have the latest version. This is why
you can be confident that whatever progress
happens over time, you will get access to it.
Last but not least, your membership is also the
access pass to the secret ''Alpha'' group where
you can not only share your collections, but also
discuss with others everything related to NFTs,
including hot new trends to jump on, and under
the radar top NFT drops. It is clear that the
sooner you join the video NFT collectible craze
the proper way with your own Ethereum contract,
the sooner good things can happen for you. Get It
Now. VideoNFTizer Review Features VNT Technology
Makes It As Easy As It Gets VNF tech is like
nothing you have seen before. It makes
VideoNFTizer so easy to use that anybody without
any technical skills or even prior knowledge
about NFTs can deploy their own NFT contract on
Ethereum blockchains, and have NFTs ready to mint
as fast as humanly possible.
VideoNFTizer Review No Technical Skills Or Even P
rior Knowledge About NFTs Required
The things you would need to enter to customize yo
ur NFT contract are as simple as the names,
the description text, link to where images are hos
ted, and the price. After your names, description,
 and price are in, all that is left for you to
do is to click a few buttons to deploy your contra
ct on the Ethereum blockchain. Full Ownership  Co
ntrol Over Your NFT Blockchain Contract
The only external app you need to use is the Metam
ask browser plugin for Ethereum. They are availabl
e for both Chrome and Firefox, and can
be downloaded for free from official app stores fo
r them. Using your own Metamask or Phantom gives y
ou full ownership  and control over your NFT bloc
kchain contract. VideoNFTizer Review VideoNFTizer 
Does Not Even Have Admin Access
To Your NFT Contract, Only You Do It means that u
nlike OpenSea, VideoNFTizer does not use a central
ized contract for all NFTs of its users and does n
ot even have admin access to it. Copy/Paste the
Code To Your Website Start Selling Right Away
On top of all that, VideoNFTizer gives you a web
code, which allows people not only to buy your
NFTs from your webpage, but also instantly mint
the NFTs they purchase to the blockchain right
after they paid. While normally creating such a
code is a complicated step, the VideoNFTizer
makes it as easy as it gets. As a VideoNFTizer
user, all you would need to do is to copy/paste
the ready made code from your account into your
web page and you are done. They have bundled with
VideoNFTizer video NFT creation software You
get 200 ready made scene templates which allow
you to make all kinds of NFT videos by simply
swipe snap. You will also get 100 full HD
background videos to help make your NFT videos
richer, access to over 300 fonts, and step by
step tutorials so youll never get lost. Can do
for you Worlds 1 VideoNFTizer App With VNF
technology Customize Deploy your NFTs Ethereum
contract right from your dashboard
VideoNFTizer Review Highly optimized Ethereum NFT
 contact. Lowers NFT minting gas fee up to
60 Includes FREE Software Updates Cloud App - Not
hing To Install As Easy As It Gets To Use Frequent
ly Ask Question Q Do I have to install VideoNFTiz
er on my computer? A No, VideoNFTizer is cloud so
ftware so you do not need to install anything on y
our computer. Q How much do updates cost?
A They include all updates to version 1.x for FRE
E for the duration of the license. Q
Do you provide tutorial videos?
A Yes, they have created a full set of video tuto
rials. Q How do I get support?
A Easy! Just visit us at Q
Do you have money back guarantee? A Yes,
they do have a 30-day no-question-asked money
back guarantee. Just drop us a note and they will
refund your purchase in full. Overview VideoNFTize
r Review is first of its kind, groundbreaking
app, which allows you to generate full length NFT
videos by simply swiping done-for-you scene
templates, snapping them into place and
customizing hotspots. Its That Easy So You Do
Not Need Any Video Creation Experience At All. It
allows even complete beginners to generate
professional NFT videos with just a few simple
mouse clicks. Just select a done-for-you scene
template, swipe it into place, customize hotspots
with your own text, image, or video, and its
done. Turn Any Video Shot On A Phone or created
by any app into Actual Video NFTs on Ethereum
blockchain Are you ready to discover the first to
market groundbreaking app with proprietary VNF
technology, which allows you to finally turn any
video shot on a phone or created by any app into
Video NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain? If so, I
will not only show you a 100 turnkey solution
which does it, but I will also tell you how to
overcome the 1 problem NFT creators have with
the initial collection sales on OpenSea.
VideoNFTizer Review VNF Technology Does All The H
eavy Lifting And because VNF technology does all t
he heavy lifting, all you would need to
do is fill in some basic info, click a few buttons
, and have Video NFTs on the blockchain ready to m
int. PLUS - To do all this, you do not need any pr
ior NFT or tech experience at all Most Of The Top 
200 NFT Collections Made Above 1 Million Dollars I
n Sales Volume  Some With Tens Of Millions. You p
robably already heard about the massive success of
 literally thousands of sold out picture NFT colle
ctions, with most of the top 2000 collections abov
e 1 million dollars in sales volume, and some with
 over tens of millions. While I predict that Pictu
re NFTs will continue to be massively popular and 
rain dollars, the Picture NFT space is getting mor
e and more crowded by the day. Results are not typ
ical. You may get worse, better, or no results at 
all. Not financial advice. Last 30-Day Sales Of Th
e Top NFTs on OpenSea (1-10) Ranked By Secondary S
ale Volume From Which Passive Royalties Are Calcul
ated. Results are not typical. Not financial
advice. Ranking screenshot taken May
22nd. VideoNFTizer Review Right Now, The Biggest
Opportunity I Have Seen Since NFTs Became Popular
Is In Video NFTs Right now there is the biggest
opportunity I have seen in the NFTs space since
the start of the Picture NFTs craze, and that
opportunity is Video NFTs. You see, it is likely
that Video NFTs may follow the same steps of
growth as Picture NFTs. At the beginning Picture
NFTs were just a curiosity. It literally took
years for NFTs to get mass adoption. Results are n
ot typical. You may get worse, better, or no
results at all. Not financial advice. Video NTFs A
re Now In The Sweet Spot When They Already
Started Getting Attention, But Are Not
Mass Adopted Yet.
VideoNFTizer Review For example crypto punks whic
h at one point were worth hundreds of thousands of
 dollars for a single one, were trading for neglig
ible price for years before collectors priced them
 high. Video NTFs now are at the stage when they a
lready start getting attention, but are not mass a
dopted yet. The Most Recognizable Video NTFs Proje
ct Already Surpassing 1 Billion Dollars In All-Ti
me-Sales. The biggest and most recognizable Video 
NTFs project is NBA Top Shots with the sales volum
e already surpassing 1 Billion dollars on all-tim
e-sales. Other than NBA Top Shots, there are just 
a handful of other recognizable Video NFTs project
s, so the competition in the Video NFTs space is w
ay lower right now. It means that while the mass a
doptions for Video NFTs could be just behind the c
orner, it is not here yet, so those who make their
 collection early may be the ones that bubble to
the top. However, when it comes to mass adoption,
there is an important difference between Picture
NFTs and Video NFTs. A few years back, which now
feels like ancient times, it was relatively easy
to just publish your collection for initial mint
on OpenSea and enjoy views and sales. It is not
the case anymore. Because now OpenSean is fully
packed with existing Picture NFT projects, and
still more projects are launching all the time,
having an initial mint on OpenSean is not a
viable option anymore, no matter whether it is a
Picture NTF or a Video NFT collection. VideoNFTize
r Review Do Not Just Upload Pictures to OpenSea
Call It A Day Unless You Are An Popular
Influencer If you already tried to make initial
sales of a Picture NFT collection by just
uploading to OpenSea, let me ask you a question
did you sell any? Outside of already popular
influencers and their friends, literally none of
the people I talked with sold anything after just
uploading the pictures to OpenSea. Don't take me
wrong. OpenSea Is A Fantastic Platform For
Secondary Sales But It Is Too Crowded For Initial
Sales. OpenSea is a fantastic platform for
secondary sales which can bring you great
royalties, but unfortunately because it is so
crowded right now, there is little chance for the
new collection to make successful initial sales
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