Title: Bracelets for Men | WRISTOFSEA
Not Just Nearly Bracelets, But Really Bracelets.
WRISTOFSEA is an emerging brand that offers high
quality bracelets with a vision to support ocean
- Donna Stroupe
About Our Company
Wristofsea, a company with a vision for the
future of marine life. An organization centered
on quality and vision. An emerging brand with an
important mission, there is still a lot to look
forward to. As a company, our primary goal is not
only to provide a good way of life, but also to
the overall condition of the ocean.
3Why Us?
A beautiful bracelet and supporting a charity at
the same time, that's what everbody wants!
High Quality
Best support
4Our History
The quality of sea life has deteriorated over the
years due to humanity. In our opinion, humanity
is also obliged to improve this again. Our love
for the sea life and the lifestyle is huge, which
is why we feel we should support charities that
help improve sea life. A beautiful bracelet and
supporting a charity at the same time, that's
what everbody wants! Right?!
5Contact Us
De Nieuwe Erven 3, 5431NV, Cuijk, Nederland