Title: What is the creatinine test used for
2The creatinine test is an important test that is
used to measure the level of wastes especially
creatinine present in the blood. Creatinine is a
natural waste product that is produced during the
natural process of the muscle breakdown
process. The main purpose of conducting this
test is to determine the functioning condition of
the kidneys mainly how well, they are
eliminating wastes and toxins from the blood. In
the condition of any liver or heart disease, a
creatinine test is also conducted to evaluate how
these diseases affect kidneys and their
functionality. Creatinine is a natural waste
product that is produced by the liver and sends
to the bloodstream from there it is filtered out
by the healthy kidneys through the urine. Kidneys
are known as the filtering organs in the human
body as these organs clean the blood by excreting
wastes and toxins from them.
Source What is the creatinine test used for?
3In the same phase, it clears out creatinine from
the blood as well. But when kidneys functionality
gets impaired due to any factor or health
condition, they become incapable of filter wastes
including creatinine from the blood as a result,
the creatinine level starts increasing in the
blood. Thats why mainly high creatinine level
is linked with poor functionality of the kidneys.
Some other factors like an intense workout,
intake of a protein-rich diet, and dehydration
condition may also cause creatinine levels to
rise in the blood. If this waste product level is
high in your blood, choose creatinine level to
reduce in Ayurvedic treatment for lowering it
Serum Creatinine test- It is a test that uses
blood samples of a patient to detect the amount
of creatinine present in the blood. Since the
creatinine production, and removal rate is steady
so any increase in this level indicates poor
renal functionality.
Source What is the creatinine test used for?
4Creatinine Clearance test- This test uses some
urine samples to determine the amount of
creatinine excreted in the urine over 24 hours.
Along with creatinine present in urine, some
other factors like age, gender, weight, and
ethnicity of a patient are also taken into
consideration to determine the functionality of
the kidneys.
- A patient needs to undergo these tests if he has
kidney disease symptoms. Those are- - Weakness
- Fatigue
- Swelling in some body part
- Loss of appetite
- Frequent painful urination
- Foamy or bubbly urine
- Blood in the urine
Source What is the creatinine test used for?
5If a patient undergoes these tests and his test
reports are showing abnormal parameters, it means
his kidneys are not well and hence require proper
treatment. In this condition, you can get your
creatinine level reduced in Ayurvedic treatment
naturally. Ayurvedic treatment is a natural and
holistic method to cure a health disease. This
treatment aims to provide a permanent cure to all
sorts of health conditions by targeting their
root causes. Ayurveda follows an age-old
treatment process that uses herbal medicines,
some traditional therapies, and few lifestyle
changes to cure a disease permanently. In
lifestyle changes, it mainly recommends diet
change that includes the following of some
specific edibles while avoiding few eatables. In
Ayurvedic treatment, diet and some Yogic
exercises are the inseparable part of this
holistic treatment.
Source What is the creatinine test used for?
6The reason is Ayurveda believes that whatever we
eat and our lifestyle put a significant impact on
our health so changing these habits can help in
improving the overall basic functionality. Thus,
the creatinine level reduction in Ayurvedic
treatment is the best way to lower high blood
creatinine. In order to acquire the best cure,
search for a renowned Ayurvedic creatinine
hospital for acquiring the top-class creatinine
level reduction in Ayurvedic treatment. Creatinine
level reduces in Ayurvedic treatment
Source What is the creatinine test used for?