Title: Lorrie Clemo - President of D'Youville College
1Lorrie Clemo
President of D'Youville College
2An Experienced Higher Education Professional
.Dr. Lorrie Clemo is an educational pioneer who
has initiated multiple First-time programs at
the State University oF New York in Oswego, NY,
As an experienced higher education proFessional,
Lorrie Clemo is passionate about expanding
education access.
3Highly Successful Public Policy
Dr. Lorrie Clemo's highly successFul public
policy and education career spans over three
decades.Lorrie Clemo has progressed rapidly
through the ranks oF higher education, climbing
to the prestigious role oF President oF
D'Youville College.
4Outstanding Contributions
D'Youville President Lorrie Clemo has made
outstanding contributions to the college's
Financial well-being and increased degree
program oFFerings. Lorrie Clemo has over three
decades oF experience teaching undergraduates,
5Increased Access To
- Online Courses
- As President oF D'Youville College, Dr. Lorrie
Clemo has expanded the range oF available degree
programs, increased access to online courses,
and boosted satisFaction rates among students
and staFF alike.
6Visit To Know More-
https//medium.com/_at_lorrieclemo https//muckrack.c
om/lorrie-clemo https//speakerhub.com/speaker/lo
7Thank You
Lorrie Clemo