Title: Common Health Insurance Terms and Definitions
1Common Health Insurance Terms and Definitions Do
you know the ABCs of Pennsylvania health
insurance plan? The language of health insurance
can be hard to understand? Yet every day, it's
becoming more and more important for health care
consumers to have at least a basic knowledge of
the industry's terminology. Here, you'll find
some basic terms. Allowable chargeAlso known as
the "allowed amount". BenefitThe amount payable
by the insurance company to a plan member for
medical expenses. Benefit levelThe maximum
amount that a health insurance company has
agreed to pay for a covered benefit. Claima
request by a plan client, or a plan customer's
health care provider, for the insurance company
to pay for medical services. Coinsurance The
amount you pay to share the cost of covered
services after your deductible has been paid.