Title: David Hamra - Possesses Exceptional Management Skills
1David Hamra
Entrepreneur Business Management Construction
2(No Transcript)
3David Hamra planned to continue with all these
agricultural enterprises for various reasons,
including his love of hunting, outdoor sporting,
animal husbandry, and, of course, operating heavy
4Dave Hamra also enjoys building and managing hunt
clubs for those who want the outdoors and
creating land constructions that help reduce
property costs and improve people's usage.
5David Hamra is an Oklahoma State University
graduate with a degree in Construction Management
Technology and a minor in Business Management. He
has a tremendous amount of experience employed in
his profession and effectively manages various
6Dave Hamra is an entrepreneur who owns and
operates an excavation company. Furthermore,
David is a stakeholder alongside his father and
brother in a working ranch that he owns and runs.
He is also in charge of a variety of commercial
and commercial sites.
7David Hamra possesses several different skill
sets and certifications with him. ACI
Certification is one of his certificates and
abilities, and he is a member of the Oklahoma
Cattlemen's, Indiana Deer Farmers, and Whitetails
of Oklahoma Associations.
8Thank You
Find out more about him at his official site