Title: Deborah LaBelle - A Skillful and Brilliant Individual
1Deborah LaBelle
Partner at Law Offices of Deborah LaBelle Human
Rights Watch Monitor
2(No Transcript)
3Deborah LaBelle has numerous honours and
recognitions like Susan B. Anthony Award,
University of Michigan, Michigan Lawyers Leader
in the Law, Outstanding Attorney, National
Associate of Women Judges, Martin Luther King,
Jr. I Have A Dream Award.
4However, that is not where her success restricts
Deborah LaBelle has a lot of publications and
published presentations where her work has been
5Some of them include Juvenile Competency and
Culpability, Thomas M. Cooley Journal of Practice
and Clinical Law, (Special Issue, Vol. 8, 2006)
and Second Chances Juveniles Serving Life
Without Parole in Michigan Prisons (Fall 2004)
Balancing Gender Equity for Female Prisoners,
Feminist Studies are some of the best ones.
6Moreover, Deborah LaBelle has a lot of work
focused on the youth and the problems they face
in the practice of their human rights.
7Deborah LaBelle is the Director of the Juvenile
Life Without Parole Initiative for the ACLU of
Michigan and Coordinator of Michigan's Juvenile
Mitigation Access Committee and co-founder of the
national Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of
Youth and the Youth Justice Fund.
Find out more about her at her official site