Title: Compact Substation by Pyrotech India
1Compact Substation by Pyrotech India
2Pyrotech India is a well-known manufacturer of
Compact Substation and transformer in Udaipur,
India. It is an organization with a mission to
strengthen the electrical safety through
innovative designs and compact equipment for all
types of industries. Pyrotech India has made
significant advancements in technology with the
aim of providing better products that are more
reliable, stronger and efficient than their
competitors A compact substation transformer
(CSS) is a special type of transformer which
consists of all the basic equipment needed for
power conversion such as a voltage regulator
(V.R), voltage switch and breaker, a displacement
selective circuit, an L.B.S., Dry Type
Transformer and so forth. A CSS has all these
primary and secondary line devices in one compact
structure that can be simply taken to any place
easily. In addition to these, a CSS also comes
equipped with circuit protection relays (CPRs),
automatic reset devices that prevent massive
overloads during alternate excitation operations,
etc. all within a small size without adding
unnecessary complexity in remote areas where it's
required. Our Compact Substation can be designed
and customised to different sizes and
configurations to fulfill the customers
3- Features
- Designed for indoor installation close to their
point of use at the center of the major load
consumers. - These transformers are combined with their
primary and secondary switchgear and distribution
boards into compact substations that are
installed directly at their point of use. - This reduces construction requirements, cable
costs, transmission losses and installation
costs. - Transformer is fitted with three temperature
sensors installed in the LV winding, and a
solid-state tripping device with relay output. - It can be mounted on a rooftop (for dry type
transformer) where you want the power supply.