Title: Rupshi Mitra - A Talented Singer
1Rupshi Mitra
2Formally Trained In Singing
Rupshi Mitra is a scientist, artist, and talented
singer. She is formally trained in singing and
specializes in an Indian genre called Rabindra
Sangeet, an extremely popular kind of music in
West Bengal. Rupshi Mitra loves to explore nature
and the natural world through photography and is
actively involved in National Geographic projects.
3Completed Post-Doctorate Studies
After completing post-doctorate studies with
Stanford University, Rupshi Mitra began working
at Nanyang Technological University. She has held
the role of Assistant Professor there since May
2012. Rupshi Mitra has published several research
papers related to her field of expertise and
would like to continue working at the interface
of science and art.
4An Experienced Scientist
Rupshi Mitra is an experienced scientist who
completed extensive post-doctoral studies with
the prestigious Stanford University before
beginning her work at Nanyang Technological
University. Rupshi Mitra is an artist who enjoys
exploring the ways in which she can represent the
highly complex field of neuroscience via
aesthetically pleasing artistic works.
5A Lecturer At University
Rupshi Mitra has completed extensive training
with Stanford University. She is a lecturer at
university who enjoys enlightening her students
about biology and the impact it can have on
interpersonal relationships and human behavior.
Rupshi Mitra is proud to create
neuroscience-based artworks and is passionate
about making a difference in human wellness via
her research.
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7Rupshi Mitra