Title: Deborah LaBelle - Remarkably Capable Expert
1Deborah LaBelle
Partner at Law Offices of Deborah LaBelle Human
Rights Watch Monitor
2Deborah Labelle is an extremely talented and
experienced attorney. Deborah LaBelle is also a
writer working for the human rights center in the
United States.
3These human rights that her work focuses on are
related to the people who are either in
detention, the intersectionality of race and
gender, and the children's rights in the
country's criminal justice and education systems.
4It is due to her efforts that Deborah Labelle has
also received numerous awards for the steps that
she put in fighting for the human rights of
people belonging to different groups.
5Some of the awards included are the National
Trial Lawyer of the Year Award from the Public
Justice Foundation, the Federal Bar Association
Wade McCree Jr. Award, Michigan's State Bar
Champion of Justice Award, the National Lawyer
Guild's Law for the People Award, Criminal
Defense Attorneys of Michigan Justice for All
Award, the Integrity in the Community Award,
Women Lawyers Association of Michigan Jean King
Leadership Award, WAJ Outstanding Attorney Award,
the Susan B. Anthony Award, and the Martin
Luther King "I Have a Dream" Award, the ACLU of
Michigan Civil Libertarian of the Year Award.
6Moreover, Deborah LaBelle has also been a part of
different advisory boards, which have showcased
her efforts and work.
Find out more about her at her official site