Title: Alcohol and Addiction Counseling - Life Steps Consulting
1Life Steps Consulting
- At Life Steps Consulting, we know that life is
full of different transitions, which can be
broken down into a series of steps. - When you are struggling with substance abuse,
movement through the transitional steps halts,
causing you to fall into unhealthy life cycles,
which impact your career goals, relationships,
and physical and mental health. We can help you
get back on track.
2About Us
We have been helping good people just like you
make positive changes with their substance use
for over a decade. I specialize in working with
women and their families that have been affected
by drug and alcohol use. The first step in
working with me is a comprehensive assessment
that results in a plan based on your goals. The
second is achieving those goals through
counseling. Youll achieve success by learning
the tools and creating strategies that work for
you. I meet you where you are on your journey,
on your terms, and help you achieve success.
3Alcohol and Addiction Counseling - Life Steps
If you're looking for alcohol and addiction
counseling, Life Steps Consulting is here to
help. We provide outpatient counseling for
individuals and families struggling with
addiction. Our team of experienced counselors
will work with you to develop a treatment plan
that meets your needs. Contact us today to get
4Contact us
916-247-8226 lifestepsconsulting44_at_gmail.com www
. l ifestepsconsulting. net/