28 Entrepreneurs Explain the CEO Hack That Makes Them Successful - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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28 Entrepreneurs Explain the CEO Hack That Makes Them Successful


As an entrepreneur, you have that gadget, habit, app or a book that makes your work easier, motivates you to do more and that’s what we refer to as a CEO Hack. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 28 Entrepreneurs Explain the CEO Hack That Makes Them Successful

28 Entrepreneurs Explain the CEO Hack That Makes
Them Successful
  • As an entrepreneur, you have that gadget, habit,
    app or a book that makes your work easier,
    motivates you to do more and thats what we refer
    to as a CEO Hack. It helps you achieve maximum
    productivity and stick to your goals regardless
    of the hurdles we face as entrepreneurs. For
    instance, it could be a pro tip on managing
    employees to make the workplace a conducive
    environment for everyone. Maybe its an app that
    you have which helps you plan and execute tasks
    on time. It could also be a book that you read
    and it brings ideas your way on how to scale your
    business. The list goes on. You can check our CEO
    Hacks and different entrepreneurs CEO Hacks
    below where we have insightful responses.

  • 1- Engaging in creative marketing
  • The reason weve reached our level of success is
    because we like to deliver experiences along with
    our products. One of our opening activations was,
    if a customer spent enough money on alcohol
    in-app, we sent a bartender out to their home to
    make drinks for them for an hour. Marketing is
    the best investment you can make when starting a
    business, and the more inventive you are with it,
    youll see a customer base come in fast.

  • 2- Checking out the competitors websites
  • I have a habit of always checking out the
    competitors websites. I like to do so to see
    what theyre doing to be successful that our
    company may be missing. Whether its a more
    user-friendly website or a new social media
    strategy theyve implemented, successful CEOs
    can always take a tip or two from others in their

  • 3- Morning Pages
  • I'd consider myself a productivity junkie and
    have tried dozens of different techniques (ie,
    Inbox Zero, Getting Things Done, Eisenhower
    Decision Matrix, etc.) but few have made as big
    of a difference in my professional and personal
    life as Morning Pages. Morning Pages is a
    technique invented by Julia Cameron Live and
    described in her book The Artist's Way to help
    unlock people's creativity. The premise is quite
    simple write 3 pages per day, no matter how long
    it takes, and do this daily. What I've noticed is
    that not only do some of my most lucid and
    creative thoughts come out during that time, but
    I'm also more clear, focused and present for the
    remainder of the day!

  • 4- The Lean Startup
  • The Lean Startup How Today's Entrepreneurs Use
    Continuous Innovation to Create Radically
    Successful Businesses by Eric Ries has been key
    for driving how we organize our operations to
    fight the market uncertainty of an early-stage
    startup. Ries gives great advice when it comes to
    starting your own business. He makes you feel
    more confident in your decision-making and it's a
    great guide for any new entrepreneurs entering
    the field.

  • 6- Teams
  • Teams to collaborate with my employees.
    Especially while working remote, this software
    has been the perfect tool to keep our momentum
    going. We can share files easily, chat instantly,
    and collaborate on projects effortlessly. I think
    this software is what has given us continued
    success and Id recommend anyone entering the
    business world to utilize this as much as

  • 7- Jogging
  • Every morning I wake up very early and go out
    for a quick jog. It helps me wake up but also
    collect my thoughts and reflect on the previous
    day. Over the years I have learnt that
    self-reflection is necessary for identifying your
    weak spots and figuring out how to improve them.
    Since my schedule is rather packed, the only time
    I can focus on myself is early morning when
    everybody else is still sleeping and the streets
    are quiet. Another benefit of jogging in the
    morning is the energy level I have at work.
    Working out helps me shake my muscles and prepare
    myself for a long day at the office. I sometimes
    spend 12 hours sitting behind a desk which is why
    I absolutely need my active morning routine.

  • 7- Jogging
  • Every morning I wake up very early and go out
    for a quick jog. It helps me wake up but also
    collect my thoughts and reflect on the previous
    day. Over the years I have learnt that
    self-reflection is necessary for identifying your
    weak spots and figuring out how to improve them.
    Since my schedule is rather packed, the only time
    I can focus on myself is early morning when
    everybody else is still sleeping and the streets
    are quiet. Another benefit of jogging in the
    morning is the energy level I have at work.
    Working out helps me shake my muscles and prepare
    myself for a long day at the office. I sometimes
    spend 12 hours sitting behind a desk which is why
    I absolutely need my active morning routine.

  • 8- Delegation
  • It's actually something that I struggled with
    for a VERY long time and something that held back
    my own personal success for almost a decade. I
    had the classic gung ho and I can do it all
    mindset and it took me an eternity to realize
    that my lack of delegation and recruiting was
    killing the growth of each and every business I
    started. When I started delegating, I started
    dominating, so that has to be my 1 CEO hack.

  • 9- Single-tasking
  • As a CEO, I find it critical to get the most out
    of my hours. In the beginning, I used to
    multitask quite often. I thought that I was
    saving more time by doing so, but that wasn't the
    case. After I started doing one task at a time,
    my focus got better, and so did the job done. I
    realized that one hour of work dedicated to a
    single assignment is more valuable than three
    hours of multitasking. The world we live in is
    obsessed with getting more things done, and our
    attention span is getting alarmingly low. With
    single-tasking, it can be a bit difficult for you
    to focus on one thing only for a more extended
    period. However, you will see that it is far less
    stressful and more productive in the long run.

  • 10- Repurposing content
  • For me and my clients I have been successful
    repurposing content by Turning a series of
    articles, blog postings or newsletters into a
    book or ebook. Turning each chapter of a
    book/e-book into a series of articles, blog
    postings or newsletters. Turning every piece of
    content into a tweet. Share links to the content
    on all your social media platforms. Finding
    like-minded groups with a newsletter or website
    to do a swap and share content with each other¹s
    audiences. I have also turned articles into
    infographics and talks that have been videod that
    I have been able to share over social media and
    on my site. Once you have a piece you are happy
    with it makes a lot of sense to get as much
    mileage out of it as possible.

  • 11- Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)
  • The biggest game-changer for me was finding a
    system that I could use to manage the day-to-day
    of my business and still innovate within it. I
    was introduced to the Entrepreneurial Operating
    System (EOS) in EOS Traction by Gino Wickman. It
    walked through the six main components of high
    functioning organizations, the philosophy behind
    them and how to execute on each piece. The suite
    of books also helped me identify, and lean into,
    my God given talents instead of getting bogged
    down in the daily minutiae.

  • It was so impactful, I almost immediately hired
    an EOS Implementor and rolled it out to our
    entire organization. Since that roll out, we
    redefined our goals and mission, restructured our
    team from the ground up and created clear systems
    of communication for every member of our
    organization. The biggest difference personally,
    is that I've embraced the role of innovator and
    let go of some of the things I once felt pressure
    to hold onto.

  • 12- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
  • I always go back to the 7 Habits of Highly
    Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. It's a
    business classic, and even though it was written
    before the age of smart devices, I love the
    concept of mapping out long-term goals and
    planning our weeks and days to fulfill those
    goals. It's true that you will be most effective
    if you are a master of your time and priorities.
    It's also important to remember that success is
    not only defined by our business profits.

  • 13- True Open Door Policy
  • Open Door Policy. They say come see me with any
    problem you have. But what if you are the
    problem? What if you are making mistakes? A true
    open-door policy is one that allows employees to
    point out your short-comings and when you are
    being detrimental to the success of the
    organization. I have always created a culture
    where everyone feels comfortable to point out
    when I am wrong, in fact, I encourage it. I would
    much rather someone tell me when I am about to
    steer into an iceberg rather than sink to the

  • 14- Arranging employee getaways
  • My strategy as a CEO is to maintain a balance
    between hectic workdays leisure trips. I
    personally believe this increases employee
    productivity and motivates them to perform
    better. Also, the best part about these getaways
    is that everyone from the highest-ranking
    employee to lowest ranking individuals is made a
    part of this. This allows them to interact apart
    from the work-life and bond with one another. In
    the long run, this shrinks the employee turnover
    rate and lowers absenteeism this is an
    achievement for me!

  • 15- Taking power naps
  • I would say that my favorite or best hack to be
    productive throughout the day is taking a power
    nap during work. Success is directly connected to
    productivity and naps are among the best ways to
    ensure productivity. I feel fresh and recharged
    after a nap of more or less 20 minutes on almost
    every working day. I am not at all productive
    when my mind and body is exhausted, and I have
    found nothing as effective as a nap to refresh
    and recharge your energy. I would suggest
    everyone give your brain little rest at work.

  • 16- I'm always observing!
  • As a CEO, I don't just read about the latest
    trends strategies, I like to experience them
    from the eyes of the consumer so we can improve
    our products and content. For example, I'll join
    someone's membership to observe how the backend
    user experience is set-up and be inspired to try
    new ideas for platform navigation, membership
    features, etc.

  • Or I'll buy someone's product just to go through
    their whole purchasing process and observe what
    their sales funnel looks like. Do they try to
    upsell me? When? If it works, why? I'm looking at
    what makes me click, buy, feel excited, or feel
    confused so we can apply what's relevant to
    improving our own sales pages or process. I also
    learn so much from the post-buying experience.
    What kinds of communication do I receive from the
    company after purchase? How is the product
    delivered? It's my favorite way to learn quickly
    and apply what's relevant to our own business
    and, as an added bonus, support my fellow small
    business owners/peers by being their customer.
    Collaboration over the competition, always.

  • 17-30-minute morning routine
  • The one habit that I think makes me more
    successful is having a fixed morning routine I do
    when I wake up that excites, motivates, and
    energizes me. To start the day, I go through my
    version of The Miracle Morning (by Hal Elrod). I
    have a 30-minute routine of brushing my teeth,
    washing my face, journaling, exercise, and
    meditation I do every weekday to wake up. This
    morning routine has been key in preparing me to
    be productive and maximize work output each

  • 18- Having conversations
  • The habit of having conversations with strangers
    and almost anyone I meet, it doesn't matter if
    it's on the street in a cafe at a business event.
    This goes beyond just simple networking since
    usually I don't know the person or where's the
    conversation going to lead. It might be a new
    business opportunity or finding an unorthodox
    technique from another industry that I can apply
    in my own business.

  • The trick to focus on talking to many people,
    since the play is about volume the majority of
    conversations will not yield fruit other than
    just a pleasant conversation, but you don't know
    which ones will bring you value, so just talk to
    people, it's that simple, just make it a habit.
    By doing this along the way I also have greatly
    improved my conversational skills, confidence,
    and charisma.

  • 19- Honeybook
  • As CEOs of service-based businesses, it's
    important to envision what we want our clients
    experience to look like from start to finish.
    Honeybook, a client management software (CMS), is
    one of my favorite resources for client
    onboarding. It has been an absolute lifesaver. So
    much so that I dont know how I ran my business
    before, without it. The entire process,
    onboarding, contracts, listings are there to help
    automate and simplify my service-based business.
    It reduces what would be a 20 hour week into 4

  • 20- Clocify
  • Resources for time management are crucially
    important for us. I use various remote tools to
    manage my time and activities so I'm 100
    dedicated to the right thing. Clocify is a great
    tool to use, but you can also use your
    collaboration apps for the best results. If
    you're often on the run, make sure your
    smartwatch/phone is always there to remind you of
    important tasks. Remember to also take notes all
    the time.

  • 21- Two hacks
  • My CEO hack is my habit of direct communication.
    Chain of command takes time and does not always
    reap desirable results. Having free-flowing
    communication channels throughout the company at
    every level brings in the best results. The other
    habit that I promote amongst my employees is to
    have a to-do list. Having the work of the day
    charted outcomes in handy and ensures
    productivity. A precise to-do list sets
    achievable targets and gives greater job

  • 22- Thinking in my downtime
  • I have to solve lots of complex problems in my
    line of work. Sometimes the solution is not
    obvious when Im sitting at my desk. I find that
    I do my best thinking when Im away from the
    office. So when Im walking my dog or going for a
    jog in the park, I allow my thoughts to come to
    me naturally. I carry a little notepad and pen
    with me at all times so if I have a great idea I
    can jot it down.

  • 23- Blinkist
  • Reading books has always been a part of my
    growing as an entrepreneur, but while getting
    busy building a company I started looking at a
    growing pile of books on my desk with longing.
    And then Blinkist came to the rescue. Blinkist is
    an app that delivers 15-minute-read summaries of
    the best non-fiction books out there. As an
    entrepreneur, you get a wide choice of books on
    productivity and time management, motivation and
    inspiration, leadership, money and investments,
    psychology, or work-life balance. So I get the
    essence of brilliant books within just minutes of
    reading or listening to audiobooks. Well done,

  • 24- Watching YouTube videos
  • I know that doesn't sound right, but during the
    lockdown, I found so many inspirational people
    from actors to leaders in business to spiritual
    leaders and people within my industry. My feed
    now is full of videos I derive much-needed
    inspiration and ideas from. These people have
    been through so many different things and
    listening to them and gaining wisdom has been
    such an inspiration for me. I have videos playing
    in the background all day while I work now and I
    have never been more positive.

  • 26- The Speed of TrustL by Stephen Covey
  • Before I became a successful CEO, there is just
    one book that really inspired and pushed me to
    become one successful businessman. This book is
    entitled The Speed of TrustL The One That
    Changes Everything by Stephen Covey. What I love
    about this book is that it tells us that speed is
    everything for any business. It is understood
    that you should build your company at full speed
    without vomiting any major mistakes. However,
    everything becomes so much easier with trust.

  • 27- Listening to podcasts while walking
  • The combination between audio and physical light
    activity makes the information stick better and
    gives me an extra boost of energy. I listen to
    entrepreneurship, marketing and tech podcasts and
    I noticed an improvement in my decisions and
    mental health. It's a good practice to schedule
    10-15 mins listen walks in-between work sessions.
    When you're managing a team there is no shortage
    of meetings and decision-making. It helps to have
    a clear mind while in the process.

  • 27- Listening to podcasts while walking
  • The combination between audio and physical light
    activity makes the information stick better and
    gives me an extra boost of energy. I listen to
    entrepreneurship, marketing and tech podcasts and
    I noticed an improvement in my decisions and
    mental health. It's a good practice to schedule
    10-15 mins listen walks in-between work sessions.
    When you're managing a team there is no shortage
    of meetings and decision-making. It helps to have
    a clear mind while in the process.

  • 28- 15 hack
  • The first business hack I learned is something I
    still use to this day. Its called the 15 hack.
    Whatever you are doing, be it marketing, customer
    acquisition quota, or even customer communication
    implement the 15. If you are marketing to a
    certain demographic or age group expand it by
    15 what you feel is applicable. If you have a
    goal of 10 new clientele contracts per month,
    dont stop at 10, add an extra 15 or acquire 2
    extra clients.

  • If a customer has even the slightest issue with a
    service you offered, resolve it first and then
    offer them a 15 voucher on their next service! I
    live and die by this rule, and whenever I set a
    business standard to the market average, I
    implement my 15 hack with haste and without
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