Title: Amniocentesis Procedure | Maternal & Fetus Medical Centre
1Mother and Fetus
Medical Group Maternal Fetal Medicine
2About Us
Mothers and Fetuses is a renowned name for
specialized maternal fetal medicine in the
United Arab Emirates. We have a team of
specialists to deliver the right kind of support
and information during one of the most
significant moments of lives.
3Our Services
Special Pregnancy Care Genetics Services Fetal
Preconception Care Prenatal Screening Fetal
Testing Treatment
Women everywhere should keep their health as the
first priority, regardles of whether they are
planning to have a baby in the near future or
not. Studies reveal that about half of a l
pregnancies are unplanned. Therefore,
preconception health is critical to ensure a
healthy fu l-term pregnancy for both the mother
and the baby.
5To ensure that babies are in perfect health
before birth, doctors routinely recommend a set
of prenatal screening tests, as we l as
diagnostic tests.
Prenatal Screening
Most of these tests are performed from 11 weeks
of pregnancy and continue until 13 weeks.
Prenatal Screening Tests comprises Ultrasound
Scanning as we l as Chromosomal and Genetic
Screening procedures.
6Fetal Testing
Using both non-invasive and invasive procedures,
the fetus is examined for any genetic or
chromosomal abnormalities. Conditions like
cystic fibrosis and Down Syndrome can be
identified at an initial stage and treated ac
7An expectant mother should receive careful at
ention and good care to ensure a healthy
outcome. This is especia ly true if the pregnancy
has been evaluated as high risk.
Special Pregnancy Care
Rather than fret ing over the pos ible
complications, moms-to-be should be bet er
prepared on how to handle the pregnancy. This is
best as ured by a physician who specializes in
maternal-fetal medicine.
info_at_motherfetus.com Sanaiya St, Al Ain, United
Arab Emirates, PO Box 1016
ht ps/ www.fetus.ae/ 03-7131015