Title: Evan Sommer - Successful Student And Athlete
1Evan Sommer
Successful Student And Athlete
2Graduated With Honors From Walton High School
Evan Sommer graduated with honors from Walton
High School in Marietta, Georgia, and is now
studying at Indiana University's Kelley School
of Business.
3Giving Back To His Community
Evan Sommer enjoys giving back to his community
through his volunteer work with children with
4Loves To Set Challenging Goals
Evan Sommer loves to set challenging goals for
himself and encourage others along the way.
5Comes From A Successful Family
Evan Sommer comes from a successful family,
which has inspired him to dedicate himself to
the study of finance and business on his way to
a career in real estate development.
6Visit To Know More -
https//muckrack.com/evan-sommer https//www.beha
nce.net/evanso mmer/info https//speakerhub.com/s
peaker/ evan-sommer
7Evan Sommer