Title: Medical billing and coding company (1)
2About Primed Billing LLC
The most thorough and up-to-date health
information services are provided by Primed
Billing, which has more than ten years of
experience in the medical billing and practise
management fields. Regardless of their size or
area of specialty, we seek to streamline the
operations of all healthcare facilities with our
cutting-edge technology and services.
3Our Services
We offer a full spectrum of services to help
organizations work better. We create standards of
excellence and help you achieve them.
Medical Practice Management
Our medical practice management services can help
you automate all the manual chores you've been
performing in your medical business. Our
all-inclusive software streamlines every practice
management duty, including the billing
procedure, whether it's appointment scheduling,
improving the calibre of the services provided.
Healthcare IT Consulting
Primed Billing actively "rolls up their sleeves"
and assists a business in putting the necessary
systems in place to be successful, in addition to
making recommendations and providing guidance.
Our IT consulting services are mainly concerned
with your computing, application, and networking
needs, ensuring HIPAA compliance throughout.
Medical Billing
Our medical billing services team works as an
extension of your business, adhering to your
culture and delivering the finest results. They
are certified in all areas of medical coding and
billing. Join forces with us and start focusing
on increasing your income.
Healthcare Back Office Service
With every patient interaction, Primed Billing's
Healthcare Back Office guarantees consistency in
service level and brand representation while
enhancing operational effectiveness and
appointment compliance.
3815 Maryweather Lane,Ste 102 Wesley Chapel,
FL 33544
Contact us for More
Phone 1 813 425 5826
We look forward to working with you