Title: Heidi Jarvis-Grimes - Self-motivated Problem Solver
1Heidi Jarvis-Grimes
Chief Executive Officer at Texas Partners For
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3Heidi Jarvis-Grimes is a professional orchestra
conductor and clinician. She has also given her
services as the Maestro for Pullman Civic
Ensemble for 20 years and as a Guest Conductor of
the Royal Hawaiian Ensemble.
4Heidi Jarvis-Grimes is a BioGENEius Women
Innovators Mentor at the annual Biotechnology
Innovation Organization International Convention.
5Heidi Jarvis-Grimes is a passionate business
strategist that has been working in the field of
business development and has led many companies
in terms of academic, industry, and non-profit
6Heidi Jarvis-Grimes worked as the Vice President
for Business Development at the Idaho Technology
Council, she has helped in growing the ITC
ecosystem by reaching out to a lot of companies,
universities, community colleges, national
laboratories, and other organizations.
7Heidi Jarvis-Grimes has done M.Ed.
Administration, graduate studies from the
University of Idaho. Other than business, Heidi
also has a degree of Bachelors in Music from the
University of Dayton, Ohio.
8Currently, Heidi Jarvis-Grimes is the CEO of
Texas Partnerships for Philanthropy, a small
business consisting of a team of experts that
help companies to reach their aspiring goals with
Heidis experience and strategies.
To know more about her visit her official site