Title: Get Pigment Powders Online | Rublev Colours Pigments
1Get Pigment Powders Online Rublev Colours
- Rublev Colours Pigments are made directly from
mineral and organic sources. Get pigment powders
online from Natural Pigments. We offer Lapis
Lazuli, Azurite, Blue Ocher, Ultramarine Ash,
Royal Smalt many other pigments at affordable
2Lapis Lazuli Pigment
Lazurite is a rare blue mineral found with other
minerals in a rock called lapis lazuli. We buy
select pieces from one of the oldest lazurite
mines in Badakhshan, Afghanistan. Pieces are
finely ground and levigated to obtain the highest
3Blue Verditer Pigment
Blue Verditer is the name given to artificial
basic copper carbonate with approximately the
same chemical composition as azurite. Our
Refiner's dark blue verditer is made according to
an English recipe of the 18th century.
4Azurite (Pale) Pigment
Azurite is natural carbonate of copper from ore
deposits. It has a bright blue masstone and a
greenish undertone with a fine grind of less than
20 µ particles.
5Cobalt Zinc Blue Pigment
Cobalt Zinc Blue is a modification of cobalt
aluminate blue spinel pigments. Cobalt aluminate
blue pigments are the most durable blue pigments
commercially available. They have excellent
chemical and heat stability, and can be used in
chemically aggressive environments and exterior
durable applications without color fade.
6Maya Blue Pigment
Developed by the Maya who ruled Mesoamerica from
about 290 to 900 C.E., is a remarkable pigment
based on a blue dye precipitated onto clay.
7Egyptian Blue Pigment
Egyptian Blue is a copper calcium silicate that
was the first synthetic pigment and the most
extensively used from the early dynasties in
Egypt until the end of the Roman period in Europe.
8Address - 291 Shell Lane, Willits CA 95490 Phone
- (888) 361-5900 Website - www.naturalpigments.com
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