Title: Swim Lessons Can Teach Your Child Life-Saving Skills
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2Our pools are specifically designed for teaching
with depths ranging from 2 to 5 feet and
maintained at 90 year round.
3The popular Mommy Me program offers you and
your infant as young as 4 months old a chance to
bond while developing the lifesaving primary
skills of buoyancy, propulsion, breath control,
and more.
4At the more advanced level, our
developmental non-competitive Swim Team focuses
on enhancing the technique of all four strokes,
treading water, flip turns, and increasing
5Group Lessons begin at 3 years old with a
student-to-instructor ratio of 31 for beginner
classes and 41 for upper-level classes.
6Midlothian, VA Chesterfield Crossing 12228
Chattanooga Plaza Midlothian VA
23112 804-744-6513 kfssmidlothian_at_gmail.com