Title: Digital Advertising Agency NYC - Kite Hill PR
1Digital Advertising Agency NYC
2An Agile Tech PR and B2B Communications Agency
- Kite Hill PR works with leading companies in the
B2B tech, media, entertainment and advertising
3Our Work
An Award-Winning Tech PR Agency We specialize in
working with leading companies in tech, media,
entertainment, enterprise and advertising, clean
tech, media agency near me, and green tech
industries. Centering on Earned Media We
breakthrough with earned media and then help
clients amplify it via paid, owned, and social
strategies. Leading the Way in Agile PR We
bring a results-driven, growth mindset to the
table by using the PR Sprint Workflow.
4Kite Hill PRs Tech For Good Program
Tech For Good is Kite Hill PRs initiative to
amplify purpose-driven, minority-led technology
companies. Launched in March 2022, the program
focuses on PR mentorship and providing the
fundamental building blocks for effective media
relations as these companies take the next step
in driving business after their Seed or Series A
funding rounds.
5Searching For Digital Advertising Agencies Near
Me? We Have Got You Covered.
Today is the era of advanced technologies,
digitization, and well-informed minds. And every
second person understands the ongoing trends and
sideways inclined ness of the world. Therefore,
businesses and brands are constantly searching
for digital advertising agencies near me to
fill the open gap of creating an appealing image
as soon as possible with the support of digital
PR agencies. To assist businesses and brands
looking for PR agencies to endorse and make
visible their brands image digitally to connect
with a much wider audience in no time, Kite Hill
Public Relations, a reliable and premier PR and
B2B communication agency, provides the most
tenacious, creative, and trusted approaches to
their partners. We know how other agencies make
mistakes with their strategies in the
precipitance of making the digital colossal image
of a brand, which eventually leads to false and
inaccurate news, rumors, and misleading
communication between people about the brand. At
Kite Hill, our team of well-informed experts and
innovative thinkers embark on the most suitable
and holistically approached strategies to robust
the clear and accurate image of your business or
brand, providing people with precise information
about business and business-related documents.
Work from Anywhere Our flexible approach to the
future of work means that our team can work in a
location that best suits their needs, whether in
the office or at home. Values Focused We live
and breathe by our values agility, candor,
collaboration, passion, and last but not least,
balance. LD From Kite Hill University to a
professional development stipend for each
employee, we encourage everyone on our team to be
lifelong learners.
7(No Transcript)
8Get in touch to see how we can put your company's
PR and communications goals into action.
Address 11 Broadway, Suite 400 New York, NY
10004 Email ID hello_at_kitehillpr.com
- Social Media Links
- https//www.linkedin.com/company/kite-hill-pr/
- https//twitter.com/KiteHillPR
- https//www.instagram.com/kitehillpr/
- https//www.crunchbase.com/organization/kite-hill-
pr-ab0b - https//www.quora.com/profile/Kite-Hill-PR-1