Title: Litigation and Meta Data Extraction Services
1- Litigation Opposition Meta Data Extraction
Services from Ingenious e-Brain Solutions - In most countries such as China, Japan, Korea,
and European countries, litigation and
opposition metadata are not automated and
difficult to crawl from various sources.
Ingenious can provide a one-stop solution to
gather some of the critical metadata associated
with Litigation and opposition cases for such
countries, which is the need of an hour to take
various strategic decisions by IP Managers. Some
of these metadata are case number, Plaintiff
name, Defendant name, case status, Court final
decisions, and damages in the dollar. - Importance Impact of Litigation and Opposition
Data on Service Lines - -
- Patent litigation data plays an important role
making huge impacts on different kind of service
lines for example when a merger and acquisition
or sell or purchase transaction are done across
various organizations. - Patent litigation/opposition data also comes in
handy for patent valuations/patent ranking. The
patents that have been in a litigation
downgrades the ranking or value of a patent. - For Freedom to operate searches the relevant
patents litigation and oppositions can be
checked along with final outcomes in terms of
damages so that company can take strategic
decision to launch the product. - From the Competitive benchmarking perspective, it
is important to look competitor litigated and
opposition data and its final outcome. - Get in touch with our team of experts to protect
your IPs and improve the value of your company - For more details, please visit_at_
- https//www.iebrain.com/services/ip-intelligence/l
itigation-opposition-meta- data-extraction/ - About Ingenious e-Brain Solutions -
2Ingenious e-Brain Solutions provides
high-quality, customized, and cost-effective
Technology Research, Business Research, and
Intellectual Property Research solutions to
industry leaders, and innovative companies
across the globe. Innovation, knowledge, and
transparency form the basis of our companys
mission and vision. Along with cost benefits, we
provide highest quality results ensuring
fool-proof confidentiality and security. We are
an ISO certified company with offices in India
and USA. Ingenious e-Brain Solutions has a strong
team of analysts, and subject matter experts with
domain proficiency which is devoted to help
clients grow. Our highly qualified professionals
offer tailored, value-added and cost-effective
services to our clients. We believe in building
long term relationships with our clients who
include national and international corporations,
Fortune 500 companies, worlds leading research
institutes and universities as well as
independent inventors. Get in Touch - India
Office 207-208 Welldone TechPark, Sohna Road
Sector 48, Gurugram, Haryana 122018, India 91
124 429 4218 Email - queries_at_iebrain.com