Title: why you need seo for your website
1THESE ARE 5 REASONS Why You Need SEO for Your
You aren't targeting the right keywords.
Take a look at the latest search trends in your
industry every so often soyou don't miss out on
valuable search traffic.
Search enginesmay have difficulty crawling your
website A sitemap is essentialfor SEO.Sitemaps
help search enginebots better crawl your site and
reduce the risk of overlookingparts
ofit. ) You're Wasting Page Rank
Opportunities Internallinks help your site
visitors navigate yourwebsite efficiently and
pass page rank alongto valuable pages lke
product or service pages.
Rankings disappeared afterawebsite
redesign. Have yourecently relaunched your
website? Itis best to create aJ01redirect so that
you don't lose traffic and value !Tom those old
The Site Is Slow and Doesn't Rank
Visitors will leaveif your siteis slow. The
search engines do not like slow loading sites
either, which is actually a rankingfactor