Title: Children's Nonprofits That Need Your Old Tech
1Childrens Nonprofits That Need Your Old Tech
2Global electronic waste is a rising and
multi-faceted problem, which grows more complex
by the minute. Statistics tell us that we
generate about 50 million tons of e-waste every
year. Thats akin to throwing out 1000 laptops
every single second
3As proven during the coronavirus pandemic, the
digital divide between haves and have-nots is
larger than ever. Before, computers may have
played a supplementary role in ones education.
Following the pandemic lockdowns, they became
essential. If you didnt have an operating PC or
laptop to attend online classes, your education
simply ceased.
4Faced with this troubling reality, a large number
of local and global nonprofits sprung into
action, and tech donations soared. Children in
the developing world as well as the underserved
children in the developed countries, were all
able to get on with their online classes with the
help of donated computers and laptops.
5Now, at the end of 2022, the Covid-19 pandemic
may seem like something of the past, but the need
for tech donations is still very much
there. WeForum reports that 33 of children in
America belonging to lower income families do not
have access to a family computer.