Title: Digital court reporters vs third-party legal transcriptionists
2Court Reporting Service and Transcription
Services If you are looking for a reliable court
reporting service and transcription services,
there are a few things you should know. These
include how much you can expect to pay and what
the services will include.
3Legal transcriptionists vs court reporters
Legal transcription and court reporting are both
important aspects of the legal process. However,
they require different types of education and
skills. If you're interested in becoming a
transcriber, here's some information on the
differences between these two fields.
4Court Reporter
A court reporter is also responsible for
certifying the transcripts. To become certified,
a reporter must complete a professional training
course that includes classes on courtroom
procedure, legal research, English language, and
medical terminology.
5Transcription Services
Transcribers are employed by companies that
provide transcription services. These firms have
access to technological systems that a court
reporter doesn't have. typically more flexible
In addition, than a court
they're reporter,
because they can offer services to many more
6Legal Transcriptionists
Legal transcriptionists, on the other
transcribe dictation and audio or
hand, video
recordings. Legal transcriptionists can pause,
replay, detailed
or rewind recordings for or accurate transcript
more Many record
companies also outsource verbatim creation to
legal transcriptionists.
7Transcription Services
Court reporters are often frustrated by poor-
quality transcription services. Some companies
only send paper documents to clients. Others may
have no phone numbers on file. It is important
to find a transcription company that will fix
8Website www.caldepo.com
Email jamie_at_caldepo.com
Contact Us
Address 599 S Barranca Ave, Penthouse
Suite Phone (800) 242-1996