Title: Vinod Bonthu - A Cloud Operations Engineer
1Vinod Bonthu
A Cloud Operations Engineer
2MSc in Computer Science
Vinod Bonthu is an expert data and cloud
operations engineer. He attained his
undergraduate degree from Sathyabama University
before receiving a Scholarship under OSU to study
for an MSc Computer Science degree at Oklahoma
State University. Vinod Bonthu aspires to make a
career switch to data science, majoring in
machine learning.
3Traveling Lover
Vinod Bonthu is an aspiring data scientist with a
solid background in Big Data and Cloud
technologies. Vinod Bonthu also plans to start a
family soon, retiring in a beautiful small villa
in New Zealand. The self-described normal guy'
loves traveling and hiking.
4A Talented Data Engineer
Vinod Bontu is a young, talented data engineer
that aspires to become a great data scientist.
His interests are in machine learning, for which
he has started classes to educate himself. The
nature lover intends to have a successful career
as a data scientist and start a family.
5A Successful Data Scientist
Vinod Bonthu is a young data expert that aspires
to start a family soon. Already taking lessons in
machine learning, he hopes to become a successful
data scientist and relocate to New Zealand. Vinod
Bonthu hopes to own a beautiful, small villa in
the land of the Maori, living with his loved ones.
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7Vinod Bonthu