Title: Maraj Electric, Inc. - Experienced and Knowledgeable Electricians
1Maraj Electric, Inc.
Electrical Contractor with Master Electrician
2(No Transcript)
3George Maraj launched Maraj Electric, Inc. in
2013 in New York City to provide the city with
high-quality and safe electrical contracting
services and cater to the citys heavy industrial
and municipal contracting sector.
4The project they completed for them was a 3
elevator solution. It was indeed considered to
be a major contribution for the NYC transit
5Maraj Electric, Inc. are also very safe to hire
because they have multiple accreditations,
including MTA certified DBE, NYSUCP Certified
DBE, NYS Certified MBE, NYC certified MBE, and
Pany/NJ certified MBE. Not only this, but one can
also verify the status of their accreditations
very easily.
6Moreover, they have multiple certifications as
well, which ensures that they take their jobs
very seriously and are motivated to provide the
best service to their clients. Maraj Electric,
Inc. are surely the most notable and safest
electrical contractor with master electrician
license serving clients in New York, Westchester
County, and New Jersey.
Find out more at http//www.marajelectric.com