AI Analytics: The Future of Analytics is Driven by AI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AI Analytics: The Future of Analytics is Driven by AI


AI and data analytics are often used together because the former boosts the functionalities of the latter. With AI, analytics technology can conduct more in-depth analysis paving the way for micro-targeted insights that are not easily found by human analysts. Complex analysis with several variables can be done quickly and efficiently with AI. AI in data analytics also makes it easier to clean data – a vital step in the analysis process. It’s important to understand that AI and analytics are not the same and should not be considered as such because AI is part of the analytics ecosystem. Companies must understand the difference and be willing to use the technology if they wish to gain an edge over their competitors. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: AI Analytics: The Future of Analytics is Driven by AI

AI Analytics The Future of Analytics is Driven
by AI
Last updated on July 6, 2021 Dash Technologies
Inc Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
Data is an acute business asset. Its what díives
invention today and enables fiíms to stay
competitive in the global maíketplace. Now with
the conveígence of big data and AI, companies
can moíe easily leveíage advanced analytics
capabilities like píedictive analytics and moíe
efficient suíface actionable insights fíom theií
vast stoíes of data. With big data and
AI-poweíed analytics, fiíms can empoweí theií
useís with the instinctive tools and íobust
technologies they need to extíact high-value
insights fíom data, fosteíing data liteíacy
acíoss the oíganization while íeaping the
benefits of becoming a tíuly data-díiven
What Youll Find in this Blog
  • What is AI analytics?
  • Diffeíences between AI Analytics líaditional
  • lhe Conveígence of Big Data and AI
  • How is AI Contíibuting to Analytics Capabilities?
  • What aíe the business benefits of AI analytics?
  • Paíting lhoughts

What is AI analytics?
AI analytics is the píoduct of automating data
analysis a tíaditionally time- consuming and
people-intensive task, using the poweí of todays
aítificial intelligence, deep leaíning, and
machine leaíning technologies. In addition to
stíuctuíed data souíces, AI is incíeasingly able
to analyze unstíuctuíed data, via the use of AI
analytics tools such as natuíal language
píocessing (NLP), speech analytics
tíanscíiption, and computeí vision foí image and
video analytics.
Whats the Difference between AI Analytics and
Traditional Analytics?
  • lo betteí undeístand the aíena of AI analytics,
    lets now íeview its diffeíences
  • líaditional data analytics is geneíally
    undeítaken by a technical team of data analysts.
    Heíes an example of how a team of analysts might
    tíaditionally attempt to solve a business
  • An event, incident, oí tíend occuís in the
    company oveí a while foí example, sales aíe
    down foí the quaíteí.
  • Data analysts then foím hypotheses about what the
    potential causes might be foí the sales
  • lhese hypotheses aíe then tested against the data
    foí that peíiod until they find enough evidence
    to suppoít a paíticulaí hypothesis.
  • lhe analysts then wíite a íepoít that summaíizes
    theií findings and will often píesent potential
    next steps foí the business to take.
  • AI analytics, on the otheí hand, based on machine
    leaíning algoíithms constantly monitoís and
    analyzes huge amounts of data. lhe íesults stand
    apaít fíom tíaditional analytics in

Scale An AI-based anomaly detection solution
leaíns the noímal behavioí of the data without
being explicitly told what to look foí. It does
it at any gíanulaíity íevenues peí countíy,
píoducts, channels, etc. Speed lhe AI model will
identify unusual díops in íevenue and aleít the
appíopíiate teams in íeal-time. In addition, an
AI-based analytics solution leveíages clusteíing
and coííelation algoíithms to píovide a
íoot-cause analysis so that any issues can be
íemediated as soon as possible. Accuíacy lhe
accuíacy of the ML algoíithms depends on how they
weíe designed they need to autonomously leaín
many diffeíent patteíns accuíately which
íequiíes the use of multiple types of
algoíithms. Foí moíe details on AI ML, see ouí
white papeí. The Convergence of Big Data and AI
Big data and AI have a syneígistic íelationship.
Data is the fuel that poweís AI. lhe massive,
complex, and íapidly evolving datasets íefeííed
to as big data make it
  • possible foí machine leaíning applications to do
    what they weíe built to do leaín and acquiíe
    skills. Big data supplies AI algoíithms with the
    infoímation necessaíy foí developing and
    impíoving featuíes and patteín íecognition
    capabilities. Without laíge quantities of
    high-quality data, it wouldnt be possible to
    develop and tíain the intelligent algoíithms,
    neuíal netwoíks, and píedictive models that make
    AI a game- changing technology.
  • AI, in tuín, helps useís make sense of spíawling,
    diveíse datasets and soít thíough unstíuctuíed
    data that cant be oíganized into neat íows and
    columns. AI enables fiíms to use big data foí
    analytics by making advanced analytics tools moíe
    poweíful and accessible, helping useís discoveí
    suípíising insights in data that was once locked
    away in enteípíise infoímation silos. Leveíaging
    big data, AI, and advanced analytics, companies
    can píovide theií decision-makeís with gíeateí
    claíity and undeístanding of the many factoís
    influencing theií business while encouíaging
    cíeative, intuitive exploíation of laíge-scale,
    multi-dimensional datasets.
  • How is AI Contributing to Analytics
  • lhanks to the latest advances in AI, analytics is
  • Moíe efficient- thanks to automation.
  • Moíe accessible- thanks to impíoved UI. Natuíal
    Language Píocessing enables analytics tools to
    undeístand natuíal language queíies.
  • Moíe poweíful since píeviously difficult to
    analyze data such as text and videos aíe now
    easily analyzable.
  • What are the business benefits of AI analytics?
  • lhe ability of AI systems to analyze data
    autonomously has multiple business benefits. lhe
    main among them is íeducing the laboí cost of
    data scientists and otheí highly paid and
    limited-availability analytics píofessionals.
    Otheí benefits of AI in analytics include

  • Risk management- AI analytics can impíove the
    effectiveness of íisk management models and
    cíeate smaíteí stíategies.
  • Innovative píoducts- AI analytics tools peífoím
    big data analysis that can díive updates to
    existing píoducts and cíeating new ones.
  • luíbochaíged supply chain- Supply chain
    executives íecognize AI in analytics as a
    disíuptoí that empoweís them to apply data-díiven
    knowledge to solve píeviously unsolvable
  • Customeí engagement- Use AI analytics tools to
    deteímine what customeís aíe looking foíacquiíe
    them, íetain them and cultivate theií loyalty.
  • Successful maíketing campaign- Cíeate focused and
    taígeted campaigns with AI analytics fíom
    cuííent customeí puíchases.
  • Parting Thoughts
  • AI and data analytics aíe often used togetheí
    because the foímeí boosts the functionalities of
    the latteí. With AI, analytics technology can
    conduct moíe in-depth analysis paving the way
    foí micío-taígeted insights that aíe not easily
    found by human analysts. Complex analysis with
    seveíal vaíiables can be done quickly and
    efficiently with AI.
  • AI in data analytics also makes it easieí to
    clean data a vital step in the analysis
    píocess. Its impoítant to undeístand that AI and
    analytics aíe not the same and should not be
    consideíed as such because AI is paít of the
    analytics ecosystem. Companies must undeístand
    the diffeíence and be willing to use the
    technology if they wish to gain an edge oveí
    theií competitoís.
  • Want to leaín moíe about AI, machine leaíning,
    and data analytics? Ouí blogs have all the
    infoímation you need. Contact us to leaín moíe.
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