Title: Magento 2 Order Verification
1- Extension Installation Guide
- Configuration
- API Settings
- OTP Custom Message Settings
- Order Verification in Frontend
Order Verification for Magento 2
2- Extension Installation
- Extract the zip folder and upload our extension
to root of your Magento 2 directory via FTP. - Login to your SSH and run below commands step by
step - php bin/magento setupupgrade
- For Magento version 2.0.x to 2.1.x - php
bin/magento setupstatic-contentdeploy - For Magento version 2.2.x above - php
bin/magento setupstatic-contentdeploy f - php bin/magento cacheflush
- Thats it.
- Configuration
- For configuring the extension, login to Magento
2, move to Stores ? Configuration ? Order
Verification where you can find various settings
to enable the extension. - Order Verification Enable the Order Verification
extension from here. - Enable for Payment methods Select payment
methods for which you want to enable order
verification. - Allowed Customer Groups Select the customer
groups for which you want to enable order
Order Verification for Magento 2
3- API Settings
- Here, you can select the SMS gateway to send SMS
for the order verification. Make SMS gateway API
settings here. - API Provider Select the SMS gateway API.
- Sender ID Enter sender ID provided by the SMS
gateway while registration. - API Key Enter API key provided by the SMS
gateway while registration. - API URL Enter API URL provided by the SMS
gateway while registration. - Message Type Select the message type you are
going to send for the order verification. - OTP Length Set length of the OTP for the order
Order Verification for Magento 2
4- OTP Custom Message Settings
- Here, you can set customer text for the OTP SMS
you will be sending to the customers for the
order verification. - Send OTP Text Add text for sending OTP to the
customers. - Resend OTP Text Enter text for the resend OTP
message to the customers.
Order Verification for Magento 2
55. Order Verification in Frontend Once the
extension is enabled, whenever a customer of a
specific customer group tries to place an order
using a specified payment method, he gets OTP
message on the registered mobile number for the
order verification.
Order Verification for Magento 2
6- OTP SMS on Registered Mobile Number
- Customers get OTP SMS on their registered mobile
Order Verification for Magento 2
7- Resend OTP
- If customers dont get OTP SMS, they request
Resend OTP and they get another OTP SMS - on their registered mobile number.
Order Verification for Magento 2
8- Order Verification Successful
- Once customer enters the correct OTP and click
verify button, order verification success
message is displayed and order gets placed
If you have any question or need support, Contact
us at https//meetanshi.com/contacts/
Order Verification for Magento 2