Title: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to AI in Your Business
1An Entrepreneurs Guide
to AI in Your Business June 15, 2021 Dash
Technologies Inc Artificial Intelligence
Eveíy day, we witness aítificial intelligence
(AI) changing the digital landscape. In doing
so, we aíe left to wondeí about a futuíe wheíe
monotonous, manual woík is automated with
machine leaíning solutions. Much of the geneíal
public may not have a gíasp on the tíue extent
of aítificial intelligences infiltíation into
eveíyday life, but most of us can see how moíe
and moíe industíies aíe íelying on AI to
innovate. In fact, the Inteínational Data
Coípoíation píedicts that spending on AI systems
will íeach 79.2 billion in 2022 and 114 billion
by 2024. By incoípoíating aítificial
intelligence, collaboíation between AI and human
employees can give oíganizations the ability to
íeach new milestones. Many oíganizations aíe
looking to evolve theií sufficient business
píactices to efficient ones and AI seems to be a
cleaí choice. Howeveí, how does an oíganization go
2Why should you invest in AI?
about implementing AI? What is the budget?
Finally, what specific business píactices could
it suppoít foí alíeady defined businesses?
Most businesses have advanced since the old days
of singulaí questions and answeís. Now, even
youí phone apps can leaín and undeístand wheíe
youíe going, what you might be doing, and maybe
what you may even want to eat. If you notice,
duíing these píocesses, theíe is no back and
foíth. Each suggestion is píedictive íatheí than
íeactive, and businesses aíe utilizing these
tools to taíget customeís, impíove theií
íelationships, and íeduce costs. lhat is the
poweí of AI. No longeí do we live in the days of
tíaditional one size fits all appíoach
businesses used to take when dealing with theií
customeís. Nowadays, eveíy leading application
can foíesee events ahead of time and peísuade
decision-makeís into favoíable outcomes by
deliveíing peísonalized expeíiences. In shoít, AI
stíengthens client expeíience, incíeases
engagement, and builds stíong taígeted
communication. It acceleíates the decision-making
píocess by helping in gaining competitive
advantages. Instead of getting oveíwhelmed by the
3How do businesses start with AI?
volume, vaíiety, and velocity of data, businesses
can now use that data to utilize the advantages
of using aítificial intelligence.
- Befoíe diving headfiíst into AI, heíe aíe some
questions to ask foí youíself and youí business - What are your business goals and objectives?
- Do you have large sets of data that you dont
know how to utilize for a competitive - advantage?
- Do you need to be able to create actionable
insights from customer behaviors? - Are there potential revenue sources you may not
be aware of, yet? - How important is AI in business?
- AI has the potential to both tíansfoím and upend
businesses. Executives need to undeístand the
implications and how AI can affect theií business
to eitheí píopel themselves foíwaíd oí píevent
theií competitoís fíom catching up. - lhis includes leaíning about
- Capabilities and Limitations of AI
- Supeívised and Unsupeívised Leaíning
4- Machine Leaíning (ML) and Natuíal Language
Píocessing (NLP) - Neuíal Netwoíks and Deep Leaíning
- Computeí Vision
- Robotics
- Building and Managing AI leams
- Píedictive Analysis
- No Code/Low Code Platfoíms
- Most impoítantly, executives need to leaín how AI
and emeíging technologies can cíeate business
tíansfoímations and what needs to be done to
píepaíe theií businesses foí integíation.
Accoíding to Obeílo.com, neaíly 91.5 of leading
businesses aíe alíeady investing in aítificial
intelligence, indicating that adoption has
become widespíead. - How can AI help your business?
Aítificial intelligence (AI) is píogíessively
passing into eveíyday business use. Fíom
woíkflow management to tíend píedictions, AI has
many diffeíent uses in business. It also
píovides new business oppoítunities. Youí
business can use AI technologies foí a multitude
of diffeíent tasks. Heíe aíe a few solutions AI
can bíing to you
5Impíove customeí seívices Viítual assistant
píogíams to píovide íeal-time suppoít foí useís,
such as foí billing oí tíoubleshooting. Automate
woíkloads Collect and analyze data fíom smaít
sensoís, oí use machine leaíning (ML) algoíithms
to categoíize woík, automatically íoute seívice
íequests, etc. Optimize logistics AI-poweíed
image íecognition tools to monitoí and advance
youí infíastíuctuíe, plan tíanspoít íoutes,
etc. Incíease manufactuíing output and
píoductivity Automate the píoduction line by
integíating industíial íobots into youí woíkflow
and teaching them to peífoím laboí- intensive oí
oídinaíy tasks. Píevent outages Anomaly
detection techniques to identify patteíns that
aíe likely to disíupt youí business, such as an
Il outage. Specialized AI softwaíe can help you
to detect and deteí secuíity intíusions. Píedict
peífoímance AI applications could help
deteímine when you might íeach peífoímance
goals, such as íesponse time to help desk
calls. Píedict behavioí ML algoíithms to
analyze patteíns of online behavioí to betteí
tailoí píoduct offeís, detect cíedit caíd fíaud,
oí launch customized adveítising
campaigns. Manage and analyze youí data AI
inteípíets and mines data moíe capably than eveí
befoíe and píovides meaningful insight into youí
assets, youí bíand, oí youí customeís. Impíove
youí maíketing and adveítising AI tíacks useí
behavioí and automates íoutine maíketing tasks,
such as email and ad campaigns.
6AI and Your Business Future
lhe capabilities foí AI aíe possibly the most
expansive foí businesses. AI can help youí
business gain valuable insights, cut down on
costs, and píepaíe you foí the technological
íevolution cuííently undeíway. If you want to
leaín moíe about how AI can help youí business,
why not íeach out to the leadeís in AI
development? Dash has been píoviding customized
oíganizational solutions foí oveí 10 yeaís, and
we aíe excited to help you move youí company
towaíd the futuíe.