Title: How Does An Integrated Hospital Management System Work?
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2Hospital Management System The Hospital
Management System is a software developed and
utilized to digitize the day-to-day operations in
a healthcare organization, specifically in
hospitals. With a high number of visitors, comes
an extensively high quantity of data, that needs
to be collected, stored, and further operated or
retrieved. Hospital management software is
designed to ease the daily operations in the
hospitals, at every department, from front desk
activities, until discharge in case of
inpatients. This requires having a reliable
Hospital Database Management System in use, that
can handle high loads of requests and information
3Data used with Hospital Management Software As
mentioned, hospital management software serves
the entire hospital management functionalities,
online. This indirectly refers to a high amount
of data being processed every day, to have
information on every activity happening within
the hospital. The most active components, that
generate data for a hospital management system
are the patient, the doctor, and the staff. With
each activity they do, comes the requirement to
manage more information on a day-to-day
basis. This ranges from the basic data of the
patients appointment number for a particular
Doctor, and could even be the data on the status
of room availability or the record of bills
generated for the day. In simple terms, usually,
a hospital database handles data on
administrator, patient (both inpatient and
outpatient), doctor, staff, room, lab, and bills.
4The Integrated Hospital Database Management
System A Hospital Database Management System
handles all information regarding the activities
happening in a hospital. This happens only
because the database is completely integrated,
and all the data within is interconnected. This
database handles the following data ? Patient
information ? Appointments of the day ?
Information on Doctors consulting ? Staff in the
hospital ? Lab-related data ? Bills
generated ? Medical records ? Availability of
rooms, and Operation Theatres ? Record of
5This gives the complete view of all the
information that is accessed from the Hospital
Management System, on a daily basis. For
instance, if the user wants to fix an appointment
for a patient, they do so by using the data
related to the patient and the doctor. Later, as
the consultation happens, medical records and
prescriptions are generated and stored in the
database for future use. Once the consultation is
done, the billing happens, based on the type of
consultation or treatment. All this is
accomplished for a particular patient and this is
done by having each piece of information
integrated with the patient record.
6The purpose of using Hospital Management
Software Generally, a healthcare organization
faces a steady number of people visiting them
every day, and thus there is a regular number of
appointments to be handled. This makes the first
need for having a hospital management system in
place. With this software, the workload
distribution is dealt with seamlessly. A
dependable Hospital Management System assures the
safety of the patients medical records, all on
the cloud, thus accessible from anywhere and at
any time. It is completely integrated and helps
to perform managing the operations, all from a
single interface. This, in turn, reduces the need
for any manual intervention and also assists in
reducing the time taken for accomplishing every
7Eventually, using a hospital management system
helps to maintain precise records, and gives the
possibility to serve the patients promptly,
managing the complete operations of a hospital