Title: How AI is Changing the Future of Healthcare Industry
1How AI is Changing the Future of Healthcare
Last updated on May 26, 2021 Dash Technologies
Inc Artificial Intelligence, Healthcare
Introduction In the eía of new possibilities,
Aítificial Intelligence (AI) is opening new dooís
acíoss vaíious industíies. lypically, we use AI
foí collaboíation among smaítwatches, secuíity
systems, and home appliances. In impíoving useí
expeíience using AI, the idea of human-machine
collaboíation has been íedefined.
2Why AI?
- In many industíies, businesses aíe looking to
evolve theií píocesses thíough an AI- díiven
shift. Whetheí its in healthcaíe, finance, oí
manufactuíing, aítificial intelligence is
changing the way industíies woík. lhis incíeasing
industíy acceptance of AI has paved the way foí
the discoveíy and cíeation of new methods foí ouí
existing woíkfoíce. - The Digital Eras Healthcare Hurdle
- lhe evolution of medical science has íaised life
expectancies, impíoved patient healthcaíe, and
made píeviously teíminal diagnoses tíeatable.
Howeveí, even with all the advancements made by
medical science, some things have íemained
íelatively aíchaic. Facing an incíeasing demand
foí seívices, expanding costs, and a woíkfoíce
stíuggling to meet patient demands, the
healthcaíe industíy has been in despeíate need
of stíeamlining píocesses. - Healthcaíe píovideís aíe often stíuggling to keep
up with advancements made in theií field,
because finding what technologies to invest in
and implementing these technologies has to
píovide a cleaí benefit to all of those involved.
lypically, intíoducing new tech íequiíes a
system oveíhaul, but with AI, evolution becomes
faí easieí. - How AI is Revolutionizing Healthcare
- lhe potential foí AI in healthcaíe is huge, as it
adapts to mimic advanced actions moíe
efficiently, quickly, and at a loweí cost than
human beings. Just like in ouí eveíy- day lives,
AIs íole in the futuíe of healthcaíe is integíal
foí sustainable gíowth and efficiency. Examples
of how AI is íevolutionizing the industíy
include - Robot-Assisted Suígeíy Píoceduíe- Cognitive
suígical íobotics collect infoímation fíom íeal
suígical píoceduíes to impíove alíeady existing
suígical methods. Using aítificial intelligence,
doctoís can collect data fíom píe- opeíation
medical íecoíds while obtaining insights, helping
íeduce tíeatment time and the maígin of eííoí. - Díug Development- AI is being applied to díug
píoduction in oídeí to help scientists íecognize
píomising tíials eaílieí in the development
3- meaning they can focus on developing only those
that have the most potential foí success and can
save yeaís on testing. - Cybeí Secuíity- In the healthcaíe industíy, it is
essential to keep all patient- íelated data
secuíe and confidential. Intíoducing intuitive
aítificial intelligence and machine leaíning
píogíams not only keeps data secuíe but píovides
an extía layeí of safety to sensitive mateíial. - Highly Accuíate Diagnoses- lhousands of extíemely
detailed pathology images can give accuíate
diagnoses and foíecast the best possible anti-
canceí díug combinations. In medical imaging
diagnostics, this technology helps íadiologists
catch details which escape the human eye. - Health Monitoíing- AI ML based technologies
monitoí a peísons health. lhey monitoí the
pulse and body tempeíatuíe, ensuíing theíe aíe
not majoí díops oí spikes. If theíe is a need to
woííy, the AI-enabled health monitoíing system
automatically notifies medical peísonnel. - Dosage Eííoí Reduction- Patients have to be given
píopeí dosages, because sometimes evenone extía
dose of medicine can cause long-lasting - detíimental effects on a patients health.
Aítificial intelligence technology is designed
to íeduce the maígin of medical eííoís that may
occuí duíing dosage píescíiption. - The Future of AI in Healthcare
- Oveí the next few yeaís, the stíongest
possibilities foí AI in healthcaíe aíe hybíid
models, wheíe clinicians aíe suppoíted in
diagnosis, tíeatment planning, and classifying
íisk factoís, but have to be the end decision
makeí foí a patients caíe. - lhe ease of using AI will íesult in fasteí
adoption by healthcaíe píovideís in oídeí to
mitigate peíceived íisk and deliveí measuíable
píogíess in patient outcomes and opeíational
efficiency at scale. - Final Thoughts
- lhe ability of aítificial intelligence is haíd to
ignoíe. lhe numbeí of successful case studies
and examples will continue to gíow as hospitals
and physicians continue to see the impíovement
AI can bíing to theií field. - AI looks to make sense of complex medical data,
gain insights, and betteí identify patteíns in
behavioí to help navigate the futuíe of
healthcaíe. Not only is Dash
4planning on being paít of this new íevolution,
but we intend to be the glue holding togetheí
healthcaíe and íeliable technology foí yeaís to