Title: Webstores For Your Business - Promo Direct
1benefits of the Webstore service
_at_Promo Direct
2Consistency in marketing efforts
An organization with multiple departments or with
offices across the USA will find this service
very useful. When marketing personnel from
different locations or departments order
products, they will be able to get promotional
merchandise with the same branding consistency
the logo and colors will appear just like they
are supposed to be!
3One-stop-shop for all your promo needs
By having your own store, you dont have to rely
on any other website for your promotional
merchandise needs. Your Webstore will have every
promo item under the sun in a wide range of
exciting categories!
4Pricing thats budget-friendly
It wont cost much to sign up to get your own
Webstore. Whats more, each product in the store
is already priced at the lowest prices in the
5doorstep Delivery to customers and employees
Our Fulfillment Service ensures that we will ship
your orders directly to your customers and
employees. This helps save time and resources so
that you can focus more on the core tasks of your
6Thank You
To learn more about how our Webstores can benefit
your business, call us at 800-748-6150 or send an
email to info_at_promodirect.com. We can help script
the next marketing success story for your brand!