Title: International Symbol Recognition Contest 2011, current status
1International Symbol Recognition Contest
2011current status
- Mathieu Delalandre1, Romain Raveaux2 and Ernest
Valveny3 - 1LI, RFAI group, Tours city, France
- 2L3i, IDDC team, La Rochelle, France
- 3CVC, DAG group, Barcelona, Spain
- GREC 2011 Workshop
- Seoul, Korea
- Friday 16th of September 2011
2International Symbol Recognition Contest
2011current status
Past symbol recognition contests ICPR00,
GREC2003, GREC2005 and GREC2007 GREC2011 vs.
others symbol recognition contests
segmented symbols bags of symbols logos symbols in context drawings
ICPR2000 ? ?
GREC2003 ?
GREC2005 ?
GREC2007 ? ?
GREC2011 ? ? ?
segmented symbols
symbols in context
bags of symbols
3International Symbol Recognition Contest
2011current status
E. Valveny al. A general framework for the
evaluation of symbol recognition methods. IJDAR,
Segmented symbols
Image degradation Kanungo
Segmented symbols
Building engine
Symbol models
in context symbols
Generation of queries Gaussian
Building engine
Image degradation Kanungo
Random image selection
M. Delalandre al. Generation of Synthetic
Documents for Performance Evaluation of Symbol
Recognition Spotting Systems, IJDAR, 2010.
4International Symbol Recognition Contest
2011current status
segmented symbols
symbols in context
5International Symbol Recognition Contest
2011current status
Training sets
Final datasets
id domain models symbol / models symbols distortion
1 Technical 150 10 1500 Rotation
2 Technical 150 10 1500 Scaling
3 Technical 150 10 1500 Both
4 Technical 150 25 3750 Kanungo A
5 Technical 150 25 3750 Kanungo B
6 Technical 150 25 3750 Kanungo C
7 Technical 36 25 900 Context
id domain models symbol / models symbols distortion
1 Technical 50 50 2500 Mixture
2 Technical 100 50 5000 Mixture
3 Technical 150 50 7500 Mixture
4 Technical 36 50 1800 Context
id domain models images symbols distortion
8 Architectural 16 5 142 None
9 Architectural 16 5 133 Kanungo D
10 Architectural 16 5 144 Kanungo E
11 Architectural 16 5 128 Kanungo F
12 Electrical 21 5 54 None
13 Electrical 21 5 81 Kanungo D
14 Electrical 21 5 91 Kanungo E
15 Electrical 21 5 62 Kanungo F
id domain models images symbols distortion
5 Architectural 16 20 633 None
6 Architectural 16 20 597 Kanungo D
7 Architectural 16 20 561 Kanungo E
8 Architectural 16 20 593 Kanungo F
9 Electrical 21 20 246 None
10 Electrical 21 20 274 Kanungo D
11 Electrical 21 20 237 Kanungo E
12 Electrical 21 20 322 Kanungo F
6International Symbol Recognition Contest
2011current status
- Agenda
- March Website online
- http//iapr-tc10.univ-lr.fr/index.php/symbol-c
ontest-2011 - 6th of April Publication of training datasets
- 2sd of May Call of participation on the TC10
News Letter - 1st to 29th May Pre-registration and expression
of interest - 25th of July Publication of final datasets
- 25th July, 01st of August Contest slot
- 5th of August First deadline extension
- 12th of August Second deadline extension
- Ongoing, post-workshop Characterization of
results, - submission at LNCS level of the contest
report -
3 registrations
1 valid submission