5 Ways Machine Learning Is Revolutionizing the Healthcare Industry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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5 Ways Machine Learning Is Revolutionizing the Healthcare Industry


Machine learning is changing the way we live, impacting everything from the tech industry to agriculture, insurance, banking, and even marketing. However, the domain where ML is having the most important impact is healthcare. ML applications in healthcare combine the processing power of millions of human minds to accelerate and revamp such fields as diagnostics and medicine, changing the way we live and working to increase longevity. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 5 Ways Machine Learning Is Revolutionizing the Healthcare Industry

5 Ways Machine Learning Is Revolutionizing the
Healthcare Industry
Last updated on October 17, 2022 Dash
Technologies Inc Healthcare, Machine Learning
Machine leaíning is changing the way we live,
impacting eveíything fíom the tech industíy to
agíicultuíe, insuíance, banking, and even
maíketing. Howeveí, the domain wheíe ML is
having the most impoítant impact is
healthcaíe. ML applications in healthcaíe combine
the píocessing poweí of millions of human minds
to acceleíate and íevamp such fields as
diagnostics and medicine, changing the way we
live and woíking to incíease longevity.
The Role of Machine Learning in Healthcare
  • Although computeís and íobots will píobably
    likely neveí completely íeplace nuíses, doctoís,
    and otheí essential healthcaíe píofessionals. ML
    is now being used in healthcaíe to give supeíioí
    patient caíe and has píovided íeal-woíld íesults.
  • Accoíding to a íecent Foíbes aíticle, machine
    leaíning will become oveí a 6.6 billion
    investment foí healthcaíe in 2021.
  • ML is íevolutionizing the healthcaíe industíy and
    changing the way doctoís think about píoviding
    caíe by íeducing time wastage and otheí mistakes
    attíibuted to human eííoí.
  • loday, machine leaíning suppoíts peísonalized
    caíe thíough impíoved diagnostics, píedictive
    analysis, and píescíiptive healthcaíe

What Makes Machine Learning Essential
Machine leaíning algoíithms swiftly píocess huge
datasets and give useful insights that allow
supeíioí healthcaíe seívices. Although the
healthcaíe industíy was hesitant to adopt
machine leaíning, it is now quickly catching up
to píovide successful píotective and
píescíiptive healthcaíe solutions. Hospitals by
and laíge aíe quickly making íoom machine
leaíning píogíams because of theií ability to
swiftly analyze voluminous datasets and classify
patteíns in oídeí to píovide moíe accuíate
diagnoses and betteí patient caíe.
Instances Using Machine Learning in Healthcare
  • As the development of machine leaíning solutions
    has become moíe mainstíeam and cost-effective,
    íeal-woíld integíations have helped hospitals and
    the healthcaíe industíy diffeíentiate
    themselves. Foí example
  • In an aíticle published by CB Insights, ML is
    being leveíaged by 22 healthcaíe companies to
    make new píogíams foí diagnostics and imaging.
    lhis field is apt foí the application of machine
    leaíning because computeís and deep leaíning
    algoíithms aíe good at undeístanding and
    íecognizing patteíns, which is of píime
    impoítance in diagnostics.
  • Pathway Genomics is woíking on cíeating a
    one-of-a-kind blood test, which can deteímine
    whetheí eaíly detection oí píediction foí that
    matteí of ceítain types of canceí is possible oí
    not using the application of ML.
  • Similaíly, a health data science company,
    Lumiata, is woíking on developing
  • píedictive analytics tools foí discoveíing
    insights and making píedictions foí symptoms,
    píoceduíes, diagnosis, and medications foí

Ways Machine Learning is changing the Healthcare
Machine leaíning is advancing healthcaíe foí
geneíations to come in five majoí ways. Drug
Discovery Machine leaíning established new
methods in díug discoveíy, such as píecision
medicine and next-geneíation sequencing, which
can ensuíe a díug has the intended effect on
patients. With the implementation of machine
leaíning techniques, medical expeíts can develop
algoíithms to tíeat disease píogíession and
design specific tíeatments foí each patient,
like those with lype 2 diabetes. Identifying
Disease Their Symptoms Machine leaíning aids
medical expeíts in deteímining the íisk foí each
patient, depending on theií symptoms, past
medical íecoíds, and family histoíy. ML
stíeamlines the píocess of finding tíeatments foí
evolving illnesses, as well as helping
íeseaícheís to tíack possible pandemics and to
undeístand betteí why some diseases aíe moíe
píevalent in specific cultuíes and
demogíaphics. Help to Create New Diagnostic Tools
Modeín hospitals aíe high-tech enviíonments íun
by advanced machines and the staff who aíe
tíained. lhe hospitals aíe incíeasingly shifting
towaíds automation, to a futuíe wheíe diagnoses
can be made accuíately. Machine leaíning can
acceleíate disease diagnostics and make the íisk
of misdiagnosis less likely. Virtual Assistants
Using the íeal-time data analysis píocess of
machine leaíning, a futuíe healthcaíe tíend
could be giving patients the independence of
tíacking theií own vitals with the guidance of a
weaíable device integíated w/ machine leaíning
softwaíe. lhis could be instíumental in tíacking
the next step foí patients, dietaíy guidance
based on a condition, oí to tíack and íespond to
majoí vital spikes. Clinic Performance Something
that is too often oveílooked by the geneíal
public is the need foí hospitals and clinics to
align themselves with evolving compliance
píotocols. With the implementation of ML
techniques, it becomes easieí foí hospitals and
clinics to keep tíack of new oí changing
policies. Machine leaíning takes the guess woík
out of the píotocols to tíeat patients.
How Does Machine Learning Helps to Fight
Reseaícheís aíound the woíld woík to found out
how ML can help in fighting the epidemic. In
oídeí to stíeamline píocesses, the integíations
woíked wondeís in finding a vaccine. Without the
advancements made by machine leaíning píocesses,
vaccines foí COVID- 19 may have taken yeaís to
develop. Using machine leaíning, scientists weíe
able to identify and isolate the SARS-CoV-2
genome and test tíeatments. Machine leaíning
allowed foí scientists to acceleíate íeseaích,
foíecast the viíuss evolution, and cíeate
COVID-19 vaccinations.
Where to find Machine Learning Experts?
Although the populaíity of machine leaíning is
gíowing inside of healthcaíe, the supply of
specialists is faiíly low. Dash lechnologies have
become a leadeí in machine leaíning tools and
techniques by gatheíing machine leaíning
specialists fíom vaíious industíies to píovide
suppoít to ouí clients.
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