Title: Heart Diseases in Children — Dr. Ranjit Jagtap
1Heart Diseases in Children
Dr. Ranjit Jagtap
2Heart diseases can impact anyone, heedless of
their age. It is dreadful to see a grown-up
individual suffering from an oddity that affects
the heart. But to see a juvenile going through a
stifling agony as such is totally heart-tugging.
It is harrowing when children are
diagnosticated with heart disease. After all,
they are the buds that just sprouted! Heart
disease is troublesome enough when it knocks out
adults, but it can be extremely awful in
- Dr Ranjit Jagtap Clinic explains how a timely
diagnosis is exceptionally crucial, as this can
stave off the disease from exploiting the major
fraction of the heart. Also, it makes it much
more susceptible to behave toward the diagnosed
disease. The favourable news is that with
upgrades in medicine and technology, many
children with heart disease are able to live
fulfilling and vigorous life. - Many varied types of heart problems can affect
youngsters. Among these, a few heart diseases in
kids are most prominent. They include congenital
heart defects, Atherosclerosis, viral infections
that impact the heart, and even heart disease
cultivated later in childhood due to infections
or hereditary syndromes.
4Sometimes, an unfortunate little one is born with
an impaired heart. Dr. Ranjit jagtap has found
various such cases listed below -
Congenital heart disease (CHD)
Atherosclerosis Arrhythmias Kawasaki Heart
Murmurs Pericarditis Rheumatic heart disease
Viral infections
5Thank You