Title: Alcoholism After Gastric Bypass Surgery: Understanding the Effects
1Effects of Alcoholism After Gastric Bypass Surgery
2Gastric bypass surgery can help people lose
weight and improve health, but it is
important to be mindful of the effects of
alcoholism after surgery. This
presentation will explore how alcohol can affect
someone after surgery.
31. Affects the Absorption of Nutrients from Food
42. Dehydration
53. Increase the Risk of Gastric Ulcers
64. Increase the Risk of Liver Damage or Cirrhosis
75. Alcohol Can Cause Weight Gain
8Alcoholism can have serious consequences after
gastric bypass surgery. If you're considering
this surgery, schedule a consultation with Dr.
Ramos Kelly for gastric bypass surgery in
Tijuana. He can help you make an informed
decision and ensure the best possible outcome.
9Get in Touch with us
(800) 533-8160
International Metabolic Bariatric Surgery Center
Leona Vicario 1451, Zona Urbana Rio Tijuana,
22010 Tijuana, B.C., Mexico