Title: Top 4 Cloud Security Threats
1- Top 4 Cloud Security Threats
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2Our Mission
Centilytics can offer you impeccable cloud
security to keep your platform 100 secure from
all types of threats. We provide our client with
comprehensive security audits, performance
optimization, fault tolerance, and more. With our
security solutions, you can enjoy a threat-free
cloud experience today!
31. Data Loss
- Cloud environments enable easy data sharing,
allowing businesses to share data with external
third parties. Companies also struggle with
regular data backups as they can be costly. It
results in data loss emerging as a threat to
businesses that run their operations on the
cloud. Recovering lost data takes money, time,
and resources, and its not always possible to
recover lost data.
42. Malware
Malware is another critical threat in the cloud,
and you should have multiple security layers to
detect it. Since cloud services offer easy data
accessibility, malware is also easily accessible.
Once cloud malware infiltrates your system, it
will spread quickly and give way to more severe
threats. It can find ways to steal access
credentials and access your businesss protected
data. Malware can be a DoS attack, hypervisor
infections, etc.
53. API Liabilities
Cloud apps usually communicate with each other
through APIs. However, if you use an API with
insufficient authentication, it can carry
security liabilities, allowing foreign parties to
access your data. It can result in DoS attacks
and code injections, resulting in data breaches.
Use a centralized clout monitoring solution and
security automation service to keep API
vulnerabilities at bay and address all immediate
security threats quickly.
64. The Bottom Line
- Typically, internal cloud security has been
ineffective against cybersecurity threats.
However, if your business uses reliable cloud
security automation services, you will save the
time, resources, and money that youd have had to
use on security protocols and let experts handle
your security needs.