Title: Why to choose Hotel management after 12th
1Career Opportunities With
2What is Hotel Management and why to choose hotel
management after 12th
Hotel Management mainly refers to the process of
managing the hotel, restaurant, motel or resort.
It involves the various back office and front
office , customer relation aspects of the
different hotel and restaurant services. Effectiv
e Hotel Management includes a combination of a
skill set that are great leadership, good
communication, managing finance and customer
service and the employees must be ready or
effectively trained to collaborate and coordinate
with the guests , vendors, staffs and must be
able to effectively deal with the testing
circumstances. We believe that providing you
with as much information as possible will enable
you to have a comprehensive understanding of
starting a career in hotel management after 12th.
3The Departments to join
01 Food and Beverages(FB)
05 Front Office Management
02 Housekeeping
06 Culinary Arts and Bakery
03 Financial Management
07 Travel and Tourism Management
04 Public Relation
08 Sales and Marketing Management
4Food and Beverages (FB)
Food and Beverages serves as an great career
option if you enrolled for hotel management after
12th. The majority of the services provided by
hotels and restaurants that include preparing
food and beverages for consumers are referred to
as "FB services." The FB department is
primarily available in all hotels bars or
restaurants as they are one core part for a
successful establishment.
6 lpa
Avg Annual Income
jobs in India
Housekeeping in hotel management is mainly
referred to the department that mainly deals with
the cleaning and signifying the guest rooms,
restocking supplies, laundering linens and
towels, maintaining public areas such as lobbies,
hallways, and restaurants, and responding to
guest requests for additional amenities or
services. Housekeeping also plays a critical role
in maintaining the overall safety and security of
a hotel so it can be a great career opportunity
if you opted for hotel management after 12th
3.3 lpa
Avg Annual Income
jobs in India
6Financial Management
Gaining a knowledge of finance and enroling hotel
management after 12th ads a great value in your
profesional career as proper financial mangement
plays an vital aspect in hotels, motels or
restaurants business. Finacial Management in
hotel is mainly the process of effectively
mangeing the financial resourses such as
assets, libalities, revenue and expenses so tht
the organization can increase the revenue and
ensiure profitibility.
3.2 lpa
6 lpa
10 lac
Avg Annual Income
jobs in India
7Public Relation
Public Relation or PR is maily developing and
maintaining great relition between the
organiztion and the various public, including
guests media hoiuses, staffs and employees,
investors and other socially active community. If
you are planning to persue a career in hotel
mangement after 12th and have a good
communication and self confidence in public
dealings then its the ideal position to excel in
your career.
5.4 lpa
jobs in India
Avg Annual Income
jobs in India
8Front Office Management
Front Office management in hotel involves
managing the day to day operations of the front
desk, reservation and other guest service so thet
the guest has a positive and comfortable guest
experience. Front Office mangement gives a great
exposure if you are planning for hotel management
after 12th as it provides a great experiance in
multifaceted role and organizational skills.
3.0 lpa
6 lpa
Avg Annual Income
jobs in India
9Culinary Arts and Bakery
Public Relation or PR is maily developing and
maintaining great relition between the
organiztion and the various public, including
guests media hoiuses, staffs and employees,
investors and other socially active community. If
you are planning to persue a career in hotel
mangement after 12th and have a good
communication and self confidence in public
dealings then its the ideal position to excel in
your career.
2.6 lpa
6 lpa
5 lac
Avg Annual Income
jobs in India
10Travel and Tourism Management
Travel and Tourism in the hotel industry mainly
refers to the services and comfort that hotels
mainly offers to its guest to make it more
enjoyable and fun experience to remember
specially when they are away from homme and
traveling. If you are a travel enthuast and make
a dynamic cvareer in hotel management after 12th
this would be a great career option for you.
3.6 lpa
6 lpa
Avg Annual Income
jobs in India
11Sales and Marketing
Sales and marketing department mainly looks after
the promotional strategies and sales of the hotel
serbvices or products to potential consumers and
attract new consumers to avail the services .
Sales and marketing in an overall very crucial
department as it provides direct business to the
organization as well as it trins to take
responsibility and gain leadership. If want to
join hotel management after 12th and redy to take
the exiting upfront job role it could provide you
the best rewarding career.
3.0 lpa
6 lpa
13 lac
Avg Annual Income
jobs in India
The hospitality industry is growing at a fast
pace, and there are plenty of career
opportunities available in hotel management.
Choosing hotel management after 12th can be a
great career choice, as with a degree in hotel
management one can open up a diverse range of job
roles such as front office manager, food and
beverage manager, housekeeping manager, event
planner, sales and marketing manager, and more.
You can choose a career that aligns with your
interests and strengths.
13Thank You