Title: Robotic process automation Project
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2RPA simulates an employee.
The software robot has access to diverse
applications with an ID or a password. The robot
can gather information or change
data. Consequently, business and adminis
RPA is software.
rative processes can be fully automated.
RPA is a computer software that runs repetitive,
rule-based processes. The software is trained
based on functional specifications and can be
adjusted at any time.
UNATTENDED A robot that runs on users desktop
one robot per user. Useful for automation of
repetitive tasks. lt 100 automation. Partially
documented processes. Front office operations.
A robot that runs in a server room. One robot
022 per virtual desktop. 100 automation. Fully
documented processes. Back office operations
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5What are the CHARACTERISTICS of a process
suited to RPA?
Prone to human error?
0 1
Limited human intervention?
0 2
Requires access to multiple systems?
0 3
Executed frequently, in large numbers
0 4
Can be broken down into unambiguous rules?
0 5
6What are the CHARACTERISTICS of a process suited
to RPA?
Operational Efficiency
Cost Optimization
Productivity Improvement
7Robotics Process Automation- Pilot Approach
- Identify Uses Cases
- Design and Configure automation through RPA.
- Test and Implement Pilot processes.
- Evaluate outcomes.
- Model
- FPA Report Generation
- Freight Invoice Verification
- Gold Paks Process Automation
- HR Payroll
- Governance Model.
- Organizational Operating Model.
- Identification and prioritization.
- Playbook methodology.
- Communication .
- Intercompany Goods in Transit
- Cash Application
- Vendor Master Maintenance
- Bravo Awards
- Determine Wave 2 opportunities
- Develop roadmap and pipeline
83 elements of Designing the RPA CoE
- Design the initial target operating model
- Define the operating model across constructs i
- ncluding Organisation Design, People, Process
- , Policies, Resources
- Design the CoE organisation and interactions
Design Operati ng Model
Designing the RPA CoE Servic e Model
to institutionalize au tomation capability and
susta in value
- Identify the team
- Conduct boot-camp
- Shadow Consultants on Pilot initially
- Training and Certification
Stand-up the CoE
- Develop toolkit and methodology for CoE execution
- Identify elements for the framework
Develop Met hodology
9RPA is business led transformation driving value
Accuracy Double digit reductions in error rates
Cost savings Ranging from 20-60 of baseline
FTE cost
Low risk Non-invasive technology Overlaid on
existing systems and integrated with existing
data minimizing disruption to IT strategy and
architecture. RPA technology can begin with
simple rules based tasks and scale to more
sophistic ated algorithms and machine-lear ning
functions as the organization matures.
RPA often fills the gaps between existing
Consistency Identical processes and tasks,
eliminating output variations
Productivity Freed up human resources
for higher value-added tasks.
Right shoring Geographical independence red uces
need to offshore jobs while still delivering
cost savings
Opportunity focused RPA can be focused on only
those areas where significant opportunity
exists. Does not require enterprise adoption.
Reliability No sick days, services are
provided 365 days a year
Scalability Instant ramp up and down to match
demand peaks and tr oughs
Retention Shifts human effort toward more
stimulating tasks
ROI Typical RPA projects include mu ltiple
functional pilots but the pr ogram is
completed in 9 to12 mo nths with an ROI lt 1 year
Audit trail Fully maintained logs essential for
10Seven mantras of Presentation
Get sponsorship, define strategy and set desired
outcomes targets early in the process
Perform the proper analysis upfront to target and
prioritize the right processes
3 Start small and build upon automated processes
with scale in mind
Involve IT early understanding processes to be
automated and applications involved
Improve processes or eliminate before applying
Establish the right governance model and monitor
Establish execute a strong change management
plan and benefits realization tracking
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