Title: Vaser Liposuction | Vaser Liposuction Singapore
Contouring Your Body to the Shape You Want
Straight or pear-shaped, hourglass or top
hourglass, inverted triangle, oval, or
diamond-type body one's body takes on a
different form and shape. How would you feel if
you can have the body shape that you ever
wanted? sounds great right?
Vaser Liposuction Singapore is one of the
advanced fat removal procedures practiced
nowadays. Using an ultrasonic liposuction
device, Vaser Lipo is known for its technology
and ability to contour the tissue with better
precision than any other device. Dr. Martin
Huang has more than twenty years of experience
with liposuction and more than fifteen years of
experience with VL, so you can rest assured that
you will be in the hands of an experienced user
of these techniques.
The procedure emulsifies the fats before suction
resulting in less bruising and better
contouring. Target areas are tummy, arms, back of
the shoulder and thighs and buttock. Vaser
Liposuction Singapore provides a more improved
and athletic looking results. In the procedure,
Vaser Lipo uses a smaller cannula for suctioning
fat. Depending on the number of areas to be
suctioned, this usually takes a single-day
procedure. Uniquely, rather than focusing on
weight loss treatment, Vaser Liposuction
Singapore targets more body contouring, like
sculpting the body to a shape the client desires
or aspires to have.
Unlike traditional liposuction methods, Vaser
liposuction doesn't require extensive aftercare
treatment. Bruising, swelling, and discomfort
are normal post-procedure side effects that can
be relieved with medication. A review session
will also be scheduled during the recovery
process to monitor the progress of the
procedure. Post-procedure ultrasound, lymphatic
massage, correct exercise, and proper nutrition
are highly advised. Should you gain weight,
areas other than those treated will generally
gain weight. So, as much as possible, a balanced
diet and healthy lifestyle are recommended to
maintain your weight. It is best to visit your
surgeon from time to time. Slim or chubby, lean
or heavily-toned - whatever body shape you have,
own and be proud of it. Vaser Liposuction
results and benefits vary per individual. This
technology is only giving you a kick-start to a
new lifestyle. It is up to you how you will
proceed in maintaining and improving your body
- 65 6733 3372
- www.mhplasticsurgery.com.sg
- 290 Orchard Rd, 20-01, Paragon Medical,
Singapore 238859 - enquiries_at_mhplasticsurgery.com.sg